Netanyahu Says World Has No 'Moral Right' To Stop Israel From Attacking Iran

Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2012 10:14 pm
JTT wrote:
oralloy wrote:
You can't show a single factual error in anything I've said.

More smegma, Oralboy.

Says the person who can't show a factual error in anything I said.

Look on the bright side though. You may not ever have any facts to back your baseless arguments, but at least you're a name-calling creep.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2012 10:54 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
I must agree with the Jews here; it is a simple act of self defense.
Delay tends toward self-destruction. On the day that the Moslems
can execute a nuclear 9/11/1, thay will DO it, both in America (probably NY again) and in Israel.
oralloy wrote:
The reason Obama wishes to wait is, there are some risks that bombing Iran will accelerate, not delay, their illegal nuclear program.

Obama is trying to follow a very narrow course, but he is actually pursuing the path that, mathematically at least, is the most likely to derail Iran's illegal nuclear program.

Of course, that doesn't make the waiting any less nervewracking for those who worry about Iranian nukes.

Instead of nuking us or Israel, what Iran would likely do is step up their misbehavior and then use their nukes to deter us from intervening.
The Moslems will nuke us on the first day that thay CAN.
Then thay will have a big laff and dance in the streets again, as thay did on 9/11/1.
I will not speculate qua which group of them will nuke us first.

So far as I can see,
there is no such thing as "international law".
There is international anarchy and we need to actively defend ourselves.

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2012 11:24 pm
Good Lord, is there another thread on this topic that doesn't consist of a meaningless back and forth between Oralloy and JTT?

Of course the US has no moral right to place a red light before Israel, particularly since it won't do so to Iran.

Obviously Israel believes it is rapidly approaching the point of no return.

It's choice is to bomb Iran now or wait for the US to do so.

The sanctions et al are not going to work. Only a willing fool believes they will.

Clearly, Israel would prefer the US to bomb Iran, but can they rely on Obama to give that order? Hell no!

This is what Bibbi wants to discuss with Obama. He is close to the point of having to pull the trigger and wants assurances from Obama that if he doesn't (as Obama prefers) Obama will, sometime soon.

He's not going to get those assurances, at least not in a manner that he can rely upon.

Obama is not going to give the order to militarily intervene in Iran. Any suggestion that he might is a lie.

Not only does he think a nuclear Iran can be contained, he thinks that the power invested by nukes should be spread throughout the world.

Towards this end he wants to reduce America's nukes, irrespective of whether any other nation does as well.

He doesn't want America to be the world's one Super-Power.

This isn't because he hates America. He truly believes America and Americans will be better off if our nation is but one of many and not at the top of the heap. This is the transformation he seeks.

Israel will, reluctantly, bomb Iran. Bet money on it.

The questions are:

1) When will they do so?

2) If they do so before Nov. 6th which candidate will it favor?

3) If Obama is president when they do, to what extent will we have their back?

My answers:

1) Before year end but after the election

2) Obama. Unless the president clearly is ******* things up, all international crisies favor the incumbant.

3) Not much. Obama will want them to take a few hits to drop them down a peg before he weighs in.

A majority of Jews will likely vote for Obama.

There is no reason an American Jew has to place the fate of Israel at the top of their considerations, and if they don't, Obama's attitude towards Israel shouldn't necessarily influence their vote.

However, an American Jew who does place the fate of Israel at the top of their considerations and votes for Obama is a fool.

Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2012 11:26 pm
If its legal for Israel to have nuclear weapons than it should be legal for everyone to have them. Even David.
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2012 11:29 pm
RABEL222 wrote:

If its legal for Israel to have nuclear weapons
than it should be legal for everyone to have them. Even David.
Its not a legal question.
Its a FACTUAL question, bearing upon us getting nuked,
when we least expect it (OR disable the Moslems from doing it to us FIRST). Decisions, decisions . . . .
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2012 03:09 am
Netanyahu and his cohorts and Ahmadinejad and his cohorts might all be brutish homicidal thugs BUT their not suicidal thugs.

So at a time when the fledgling roots of democracy are beginning to take hold in some Islamic states some of you support an attack on Iran by Israel, are you insane?.
There is a new democratically elected Muslim party ruling Egypt, have they attacked Israel, No.
There is a fledgling democracy in Libya, have they attacked Israel, No.
There is a civil war, a fight for democracy happening in Syria, have they attacked Israel, No.

Like I said maybe both Israel and Iran having nukes might put some manners on the pair of them.

Dave Wrote;
On the day that the Moslems
can execute a nuclear 9/11/1, thay will DO it, both in America (probably NY again) and in Israel.

Then explain to me Dave why Pakistan and India haven't obliterated each other, they loathe each other every bit as much as Israel and Iran do?.

It's not rocket science, what comes with having nukes is the realisation that to use them is suicide and while Netanyahu and Ahmadinejad love to play the hate and fear game, when it comes to the crunch their not going to sign their own death warrants. Sure there might be hairy moments along the way but hopefully the stalemate would drag on long enough for change to happen from within these countries as only real change can happen from within.

We already have seen the splits in Israeli and Iranian society over their governments and their policies.

So while all this is going on in Syria, Libya, Egypt and other Arab states; Israel is thinking of attacking Iran. Jesus Christ even a 10 year child could tell how stupid an idea that is.
It's so insane, do I even have to explain why it's so insane?.
Want to cancel out any Iranian democratic shoots, want to set back any hope of democracy in the above mentioned Arab states and unite them yet again in their hatred of Israel, Bomb away.
The middle East is fragile and if Israel attack Iran, well .....

Israel and Iran both nuked up could perversely stabilise the region long enough for inner change to take place.
Israel treating the Palestinian people like human beings might help too.
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2012 03:32 am
Anyway isn't Netanyahu more interested in seeing Obama lose the election than attacking Iran?.
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2012 03:49 am
There is a civil war, a fight for democracy happening in Syria

There is a civil war in Syria, last I heard Russia and China are supporting Assad, the West through Saudi Arabia are supporting the rebels.
Assad's army are uneasy and are trying to distance themselves from the torture chambers but are still fighting the rebels.
I've also heard the rebels we're supporting are attacking the Christians .
Are we building the new Mujahideen/Taliban?.

So I said earlier 'There is a civil war, a fight for democracy happening in Syria'.
I'll rephrase that to; There is a civil war and fighting happening in Syria.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2012 08:38 am
Interesting that for all the supposed threat that Iran poses, there's no talk about Iran launching a pre-emptive strike on Israel.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2012 09:20 am
A Friendship Dating to 1976 Resonates in 2012

0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2012 09:30 am
eurocelticyankee wrote:
Netanyahu and his cohorts and Ahmadinejad and his cohorts might all be brutish homicidal thugs BUT their not suicidal thugs.

So at a time when the fledgling roots of democracy are beginning to take hold in some Islamic states some of you support
an attack on Iran by Israel, are you insane?.
There is a new democratically elected Muslim party ruling Egypt, have they attacked Israel, No.
There is a fledgling democracy in Libya, have they attacked Israel, No.
There is a civil war, a fight for democracy happening in Syria, have they attacked Israel, No.
What is your nationality?? Where were u born??

eurocelticyankee wrote:
Like I said maybe both Israel and Iran having nukes
might put some manners on the pair of them.

Dave Wrote;
On the day that the Moslems
can execute a nuclear 9/11/1, thay will DO it,
both in America (probably NY again) and in Israel.

Then explain to me Dave why Pakistan and India haven't obliterated each other,
they loathe each other every bit as much as Israel and Iran do?
Insufficient loathing.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
It's not rocket science, what comes with having nukes is the realisation that to use them is suicide and while Netanyahu and Ahmadinejad love to play the hate and fear game, when it comes to the crunch their not going to sign their own death warrants. Sure there might be hairy moments along the way but hopefully the stalemate would drag on long enough for change to happen from within these countries as only real change can happen from within.

We already have seen the splits in Israeli and Iranian society over their governments and their policies.

So while all this is going on in Syria, Libya, Egypt and other Arab states; Israel is thinking of attacking Iran.
Yes; Iran is nuking up. That is an intolerable risk.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
Jesus Christ even a 10 year child could tell how stupid an idea that is.
I 'm David, not Jesus.
U allege that all 1O year old children agree with U??
Have u consulted them all, on this point??
Did u get the ones in Israel ?

eurocelticyankee wrote:
It's so insane, do I even have to explain why it's so insane?.
U don't actually HAVE to, but u can if u want to.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
Want to cancel out any Iranian democratic shoots,
want to set back any hope of democracy in the above mentioned Arab states
and unite them yet again in their hatred of Israel, Bomb away.
OK; that 's A LOT BETTER than NY getting nuked, the way I see it.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
The middle East is fragile and if Israel attack Iran, well .....

Israel and Iran both nuked up could perversely stabilise the region long enough for inner change to take place.
Israel treating the Palestinian people like human beings might help too.
I remain MORE interested in keeping NY un-nuked.

Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2012 09:41 am
Is it that astounding to you to hear a neutral view of things, are you so amazed to hear that things are not always black and white.
Questioning my nationality you pompous ass, I should be questioning exactly what species you are because you don't have too many human traits.

Now cut and paste that you drone.
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2012 09:49 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
The Moslems will nuke us on the first day that thay CAN.
Then thay will have a big laff and dance in the streets again, as thay did on 9/11/1.
I will not speculate qua which group of them will nuke us first.

So far as I can see,
there is no such thing as "international law".
There is international anarchy and we need to actively defend ourselves.

Pakistan has nukes already, and no Islamic government is more closely allied with al-Qa'ida than they are.
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2012 09:50 am
And have they used them?.

Thank's for approving my point.
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2012 09:51 am
eurocelticyankee wrote:

Is it that astounding to you to hear a neutral view of things, are you so amazed to hear that things are not always black and white.

These pro-war assholes are all the same - full of cheering and volunteering for other people to die, never their own asses on the line.

David would **** himself if he had to lead the charge into Iran, and I suspect Oral wouldn't be far behind. But, these guys know that they will never personally be called on to do anything, so they feel free to cheer on more and more deaths - all in the name of peace.

Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2012 09:54 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Clearly, Israel would prefer the US to bomb Iran, but can they rely on Obama to give that order? Hell no!

This is what Bibbi wants to discuss with Obama. He is close to the point of having to pull the trigger and wants assurances from Obama that if he doesn't (as Obama prefers) Obama will, sometime soon.

He's not going to get those assurances, at least not in a manner that he can rely upon.

Obama is not going to give the order to militarily intervene in Iran. Any suggestion that he might is a lie.

Not only does he think a nuclear Iran can be contained, he thinks that the power invested by nukes should be spread throughout the world.

I do not believe this is an accurate statement of Obama's views.

He has publicly stated that he will bomb Iran as a last resort, instead of waiting and trying to contain them after the fact.

Obama may desire to wait longer than Israel is willing to wait, but he is still willing to bomb them at some point.

Also, I don't think he wants a world where everyone has nukes. I think he is trying to create a world where no one has nukes.
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2012 09:56 am
RABEL222 wrote:
If its legal for Israel to have nuclear weapons than it should be legal for everyone to have them. Even David.

If you let the entire world have nukes, where do you think the first nuclear war will be?

Maybe between two small African nations?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2012 10:04 am
eurocelticyankee wrote:
Netanyahu and his cohorts and Ahmadinejad and his cohorts might all be brutish homicidal thugs BUT their not suicidal thugs.

Netanyahu is not brutish, not homicidal, and not a thug.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
So at a time when the fledgling roots of democracy are beginning to take hold in some Islamic states some of you support an attack on Iran by Israel, are you insane?.

Iran needs to be bombed.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
There is a new democratically elected Muslim party ruling Egypt, have they attacked Israel, No.

Egypt intentionally allowed Palestinian terrorists to sneak across the border into Israel to murder innocent people, then whined piteously when the ensuing battle killed a bunch of Egyptian border guards.

Egypt has attacked both the US and Israeli embassies to their country.

And it is only a matter of time before Egypt starts a full-fledged war with Israel.

I look forward to listening to all the whining when Israel recaptures the Sinai and rebuilds their settlements there.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
Like I said maybe both Israel and Iran having nukes might put some manners on the pair of them.

Israel already has manners.

If Iran gets nukes, their already-bad misbehavior will grow even worse.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
So while all this is going on in Syria, Libya, Egypt and other Arab states; Israel is thinking of attacking Iran. Jesus Christ even a 10 year child could tell how stupid an idea that is.
It's so insane, do I even have to explain why it's so insane?.

It needs to be done.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
Want to cancel out any Iranian democratic shoots,

No such thing.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
want to set back any hope of democracy in the above mentioned Arab states and unite them yet again in their hatred of Israel, Bomb away.
The middle East is fragile and if Israel attack Iran, well .....

If they choose to become Israel's enemy, perhaps they'll need to be bombed too.

Easily done.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
Israel and Iran both nuked up could perversely stabilise the region long enough for inner change to take place.

Nope. The only thing Iranian nukes will do is cause their already-bad misbehavior to grow even worse.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
Israel treating the Palestinian people like human beings might help too.

Preventing a Palestinian from murdering people is hardly "inhuman treatment".
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2012 10:07 am
eurocelticyankee wrote:
Anyway isn't Netanyahu more interested in seeing Obama lose the election than attacking Iran?.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2012 10:08 am
eurocelticyankee wrote:
Is it that astounding to you to hear a neutral view of things, are you so amazed to hear that things are not always black and white.

You've appointed yourself "the voice of neutrality" have you?

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