izzythepush wrote:
Foofie wrote:So, being realistic, you should not wake up a sleeping lion, in my opinion.
So a veiled threat just for suggesting you might want to consider something. How very democratic.
Izzyla: No veiled threat. I am just saying that the reaction you seem surprised with, in this thread, from Americans, is just that you might be waking up a sleeping lion. Americans may value all sorts of political persuasians; however, the love of freedom of speech seems to be one of those values that you guys across the pond do not really understand. Like you guys may not understand the feelings of America to its wild west days.
So, no veiled threat; so don't misconstrue any motives and make false accusations. I am just saying it would be wise to understand Americans on a level beyond the Hollywood version.
Also, notice Americans seem to understand how different Europeans are and will remain. I do not see any Americans proselytizing the abandonement of your sometimes clownish royalty. Or, the need for Germany and France to be more helpful in international problems. Or, any of the other countries to get the hell up in the morning and develop some worthwhile industries, so they do not have to get bailed out now and them. God, why are Europeans so helpless, after two millenia of wreaking havoc around the world?