izzythepush wrote:If you don't know the American ambassador to Libya was killed yesterday, by a mob angry with the USA for allowing Terry Jones
(not of Monty Python, but the Koran burner) to distribute a film mocking the prophet Mohammed. If you've not seen any of it,
it's badly acted, chock-full of inaccuracies and seems to have no purpose other than to insult Moslems. Now another American
has died as a result of Terry Jones actions.
Tuff luck; he shud have had better defenses.
Presumably, he knew that ambassadors have been killed in the past
and will, presumably, be killed in the future. Extant ambassadors
can accept that risk, or select safer jobs. Thay can sell shoes.
izzythepush wrote:Is it time
for America to introduce legislation banning
the preaching of hate similar to laws in Europe?
Izzy: it does not matter what
"time" it is.
In America,
IF legislation has any authority behind it
such authority derives from the Supreme Law of the Land,
which is the US Constitution, including its Bill of Rights.
If any legislation is in conflict therewith,
then that legislation is void, and of no legal effect.
As ice is made out of water, any authority of law
If government perpetrated such an act of
usurpation as u propose,
then government's legitimacy woud become
fake, a
hoax, like a snake oil salesman.
Americans r fully within their Constitutional rights to experience
ANY emotion
of their choice (e.g., love, hate, fear, envy, bravery,
JOY etc.)
and thay r fully entitled to express themselves
in regard to any of those. Americans r
sovereign between the ears.
Government has
NO jurisdiction there.