So violence and murder should be justified if you are reacting to a Razzie worthy film? Seriously?
If the film is that high on hate mongering, don't react to it by storming a random 'proverbial castle' and killing those people inside. Protest the filmmaker (nonviolently) and/or just ignore the crappy film. It probably would have gone to the great crappy movie dust bin without any undeserved notice.
Blaming the filmmaker for this hideously overreaction is unnecessary and defends this overkill reaction. Should they go on a killing spree for parodies (South Park, etc...) be justified as well?
No. We shouldn't be legislating antispeech laws because of another violent under/uneducated group decides murder is the best way to protest crap culture. Violent fundamentalists should never be cowed down to.
These fundamentalists need to get a grip on their violent tendencies and figure out their priorities. They need to assign blame to their daily frustrations not on crappy filmmakers but to their newly inept government which they themselves put into place. This is another sign that the Arab Spring is an abject monstrous failure.