Quote:Oh yeah, Repubs, who fro half of Obama's term were not the majority in either house, have allowed the economy to remain suppressed. How have they allowed it to remain suppressed?
Are you serious? They used the Filibuster in the Senate to block and water down every single bill they could. You know this is the truth, so why write something so ignorant?
Not only that, but the Republicans instantly pivoted to 'deficit reduction!' as their uniting mantra, which is really odd seeing as every single member of their leadership took vote after vote to RAISE the deficit in the years directly before Obama got in power. They constantly pushed to lower government spending during a time of economic recovery; no other Prez has had to deal with this sort of foot-dragging during a recovery period, in the modern era. Reagan and Bush younger did the exact opposite and that's the prime reason the employment situation improved under their watch.
Quote:Quote: and our credit ratings to be downgraded
Republicans had nothing to do with this. I'm not sure what Obama could have done to prevent this, but it cannot be laid at the door of republicans either.
100% wrong.
The credit rating downgrade is the fault of the GOP, who decided that - in the face of an impending debt limit vote - the proper action to take was to force a crisis and try and hold the country and Obama hostage to what the House wanted, rather than compromise and make a deal. They intentionally ramped up the pressure in the media, making all sorts of crazy statements about how we should just default on our debt rather than raise the limit; the Tea Party faction revolted, and Boehner had to get support from the Dems in the house in order to pass the bill after his attempt to strongarm Obama fell apart.
The GOP's intransigence on tax raises - during a time when all Americans are paying historically low levels of federal taxes - is a direct driver of the debt limit downgrade. The math necessary to balance our books simply doesn't add up without some form of tax increase! Every economist agrees on this! But, Ideology trumps Reality amongst the modern Republican party, and they decided that acting like spoiled children was more important than doing their goddamn jobs.
The Republicans envisioned a showdown; provoked a showdown; and lost that showdown when Obama didn't give in to their tactics. That, and the drama surrounding it, is the cause of the downgrade. It's also what directly lead to the upcoming Sequester of military funds that they are all now complaining about.
You really need to spend some time reading up on modern history, as it seems you can't remember **** that happened just a year ago, and yet are willing to comment on it.
Quote:No matter which side holds the presidency, the other side does all they can to see that the sitting president is defeated when the term expires. Again, repubs are no different than dems in that respect.
Factually incorrect. Look at the history of the use of the Filibuster - the GOP has been more intransigent and more obstructive than any minority in our country's history. They didn't wait until the end of Obama's term to defeat him; they decided they were going to defeat him right off the bat, by not allowing him to pass ANYTHING.
In the House of Representatives, when the GOP was in the minority, they spent
weeks calling for 6 'motions to adjourn' a day. Each one of those would then have to be voted on, and they insisted on a voice vote for each one, which takes a lot of time, basically grinding the House to a halt. It was an incredibly juvenile tactic and one that the Dems NEVER engaged in, when they were in the minority for years.
Even Bush - who, as you wrote, was loathed by the Dem minority - wasn't blocked in the fashion that YOUR political party has chosen to block Obama.
You have opinions, but no facts or examination of the historical record to back them up. You're simply incorrect in many of the things you say. I get really ******* tired of having to play fact-checker here at A2K; can't you guys be bothered to look things up before posting them?