the problem in his ways of picturing things, is what he doesnt get that the thing really steady there as object is the free result, so could b free reality or nothing but always relative to an individual freedom that would realize it and then become it with free ends so any else or other freedom too could be the reason of object valorisation or objective value
there is a lot of those kind, inherently and essentially they mean knowing objects to take from, that is why they want it finite in the inferior sense and love to picture infinity as nothing so they could mean becoming rich for real by possessing finites lives
but u have also the right kind, who by knowing smthg existence they become existing out in absolute terms, so true nothing to the fact they know about, while they could picture a sense of move to realize a relation with the free thing by recognizing its fact being existing so through the conception of relation that would be realized freely without changing anything there
infinite is never for realities, infinite is the speculations about free values that must b always the reference sources of free objects constancies values as existing facts
but reality is always about fresh move relativity realized proving that infinite values exist since reality with what cant b considered a thing
while the freedom is the present allowing it by confirming its possible relativity from being free abstractions of infinite values existing there
the present is the freedom value the more it is actively free the more the present is real, the present is never to anything
this is the complexity too hard to get especially when the mean is to keep itself out of all in order to deal with as knowing it all, it becomes impossible to know
the combination between freedom and infinite values is guaranteed by true existence presence only, so it is a certainty but also cant b reproduced even by itself