This might be a good time to bring this up, JL.
You might consider why people like you and Fresco get into such a pet when I ask you to substantiate assertions that seem extraordinary.
If a theists says, “There is a God”…I do not consider it inappropriate to ask, “How do you know that?” or “What is the basis for that assertion?”
If a strong atheist says, “There are no gods” or “There is no soul or Heaven or Hell”…I do not consider it inappropriate to ask, “How do you know that?” or “What is the basis for those assertions?”
I doubt many would consider it inappropriate to ask those questions under those circumstances. It often can help clear the air about the nature of the assertion.
But if one of you non-dualists makes a statement about your dogma, you seem to resent any questions of that sort. You are perfectly content to assert stuff that does not come from logic (although you claim it does) but from “belief”…and get worked up in indignation that anyone would have the temerity to question the basis of the assertions.
You might do some introspection and try to determine why that is. You might want to do some introspection to determine why it is okay for some of you to intimate that a person asking questions of that sort can be thought of as a dog yapping at coat tails…or of a species different from homo sapiens…and for others of you not to call comrades on nonsense like that.
Just sayin’!