I'm a 17 year old boy studying in Standard XII (High School)...
I'm Cool,nice and quite Outgoing kind of guy..I get along with everyone very fast...and I
make friends easily -
Recently I've started going to coaching classes (Well I'm Good in studies too :p) and I
like a girl there....I just Love her from the first day I saw her....and She's the most
unique girl I've ever seen in my lifetime till now.
..Reasons - 1) She Never had a Boyfriend till now.....Same as me
2) She never EVER talks to any boy in the class....and I mean NEVER EVER -
not even an eye contact ....she just ignores boys (But She Straight

3) I asked her friend about her and she told my that my Angel HATES Boys -
She isn't interested in any relationships ....She just doesn't want any boy even as her
friend (Quite odd)
4) She's fine with girls - She laughs,enjoys and She's Brilliant in studies
5) She really really Beautiful , Smart and I love her Smile ...She noticed me
once looking at her but didn't care...I've just stared at her....and I talk to her friends
very freely - only she remains silent ....Can't really get the Perfect Time....
6) One of my friend told me that when she joined classes last year - every
boy fantasized about her - every boy tried to propose her but nobody could even talk to
her ....and This year I'm the only one pursuing her (I'm just 2 months old in
classes)...She rejected everybody .....
Now The PRoblem is that She's always surrounded by her 3-4 female friends....She
doesn't hang out (So she's a type of "Come late-go early" girl who just attends the
lectures) ....Now my friends tell me to go and talk to her....but It feels so awkward as
She never talks to any boy and She's always with her friends....What should I say? What
should I do? I love her so much so I don't want to leave her .I want to get to know her more...and I'm sure She'll love
me when she'll get to know me...
....... Please Help me ? I need Your help ..............