Guess what?
When we "benefit" from the government, it is because we paid for that benefit with our tax dollars.
The Government is not some independently funded entity doing great things for America, for which we should be thankful.
The Government serves us and not the other way around.
The only question we should ask concerning our government is whether or not we are getting value for money.
The Government can't be charitable or compassionate.
You as an individual can decide that you will sacrifice some measure of your life style to help others, but The Government cannot.
The Government can only sacrifice the life styles of the people who financially support it. There is nothing noble about it doing so whether or not its finders agree.
What would you think about the owner of a company who unilaterally reduced his or her employees' wages so the company could contribute to some cause?
(If the cause was unlimited abortion rights or same sex marriage, Junior Progressives would probably be OK with it... More's the pity)
Chances are great that you would be outraged, and yet you seem to be A-OK with The Government doing the same thing.
We The People don't owe a damned thing to The Government. This is, obviously, something that Junior Progressives can't fathom.