Joe Nation wrote:Um... some of ya'll need to look at a map or two. The action of Jesus' life took place in Judea, that's just south of Samaria and both of them were in Palestine. Saying that you don't see any Palestinians ignores completely the historical record and is akin to saying after watching a western "Well, I saw lots of Arizonians but no Americans."
Part of the fun of history is getting your mind around opposing images. The people living in Judea, Jews or not, were all Palestinians.
Not in the modern sense of the word, which was taken in political movement:
Pal·es·tine ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pl-stn) Often called "the Holy Land.".
A historical region of southwest Asia at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea and roughly coextensive with modern Israel and the West Bank. Occupied since prehistoric times, it has been ruled by Hebrews, Egyptians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, and Turks. A British League of Nations mandate oversaw the affairs of the area from 1920 until 1948, when Israel declared itself a separate state and the West Bank territory was occupied by Jordan. The West Bank was subsequently annexed (1950) by Jordan and occupied (1967) by Israel. In 1988 the Palestine Liberation Organization under Yasir Arafat declared its intention of forming an Arab state of Palestine, probably including the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Arab sector of Jerusalem. The Palestinians achieved limited self-rule in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank in 1993 and 1994.
I am talking about the people who took the land and call themselves palestinians, I guess that is the new Arab state of Palestine.