I do. I'm probably not saying what hasn't been said before, but we're all pretty happy to have experts in mechanics, architecture, structural engineering, dentistry, etc. There are, of course, arguments that erupt within fields like architecture, but they seem to mostly be between members that have selected the discipline as their vocation. I don't for example see attacks from non-professionals against dentistry. I'm going to guess because there isn't a widely held world view of the purpose of molars that's in contention. The experts of these fields are not derided like evolutionary biologists, behavioral scientists, and climate scientists are. Why are these scientists singled out and accused of operating outside their areas of expertise? Well, either there is a pattern of practice that fits that description or there's an alternative explanation.
One of the fears expressed if climate science is right is that free-market capitalistic societies will turn to communism, become heavily regulated, and we'll all be forced to drive a Prius.
If evolution is correct, then one of the fears is that it will mean that we won't see our loved-ones again after death.
Issues like these and the ones discussed in this particular forum are so important to people that it seems as though fears about what might happen if we were to shift our views (and possibly the way we treat one another) will only lead to disaster. I'm more optimistic than that.