Quote:You've explicitly said that you do not think that data are important in the discussion, and my attempts to say, "Hey, look at these data and tell me what can account for them." has been completely ignored.
Your citations to Journal titles and/or the names of Associations is not "data," I'm afraid. But it is still irrelevant to the theories of Skinner as opposed to those of Chomsky or Relational Frame Theorists (a brand of behaviorists), and numerous other "theories of language." Theory is theory, not fact, not data. Data is interpreted only in light of the particular theory you are applying.
There are fundamental differences in the general theory and restricted methodology applied by Skinner and those adopted by others according to what they think are more valid modes of interpretation.
These are strictly theoretical (philosophical, at bottom) questions. You're free to ignore the theory, if you choose. You have been touting Skinner's paradigm. Fine. Many (almost all) disagree that it accomplishes the task it claims to. You don't even seem to know why his ideas are not widely accepted. Nor do you really seem to care. You defend Skinner with all your heart--perhaps because you "believe in" him, on faith, without paying attention to the objections of his critics.
Just go right on ahead with your bad self, there, Brian. Your choice.
Oh, wait, we don't have free choice...
OK, then, NOT your choice.