Hahaha, sorry can't help but have a deep outburst of laughter !
..."spontaneous neural activity" they say...oh dear Lord what the world has come into...
how the frack does that help the case for free will ??? Free will requires causality at the agent level and simultaneously denies it from the agency level up...there's no getting out of this with "spontaneous" anything... (as spontaneous willing has no CAUSAL agent behind it)
...Geee if this is what top science has to offer these days then we are all lost !!!
PS - Note please that Daniel Dennet never denies the fact that
WE CANNOT DO OTHERWISE although he defends that whatever we MUST do we do within our reasoning and thus feels we still are responsible for it. Soft determinism is a political "word game" to defend the
establishment regarding our legal system and our "natural" need to blame whoever is failing or at fault in required group productive behaviour. We need these instruments like "blame", "guilt", "responsibility" in order to operate as a group and move civilization forward, and that's what it is.
In turn understanding it doesn't mean much more other then these mere instruments serve a purpose for a functional operating society. The imbibed idea of "agency" is just something useful in the Darwinian process of our evolution !