yes present conscious freedom exist objectively only by actin truly superior so addin smthg, upon what u add then u r free to mean it or enjoy it or add other things as u want since those adds from the start belongs to u and are nothing to everything as they are while present existin things relatively to u
so the main issue is two different points one negatively and the other positively objective
the negative objective point of that issue, is the perspective of the way as an offer while pretendin then that right is a given thing too by a creator or what another add
that is why they keep mentionnin love as the base of all things like if what or who add love to see u profitin from his adds which is completely false since the fact is the reverse
but who add and would come to clearly say it while provin an absolute add?? impossible
who is conscious enough to admit facts ? devils and gods wont let it b
the positive objective point of the issue here, is like what u said about random intentions
when freedom ways is principally through true superior adds then the only possible free way to exist is to b already truly free so to act as being a freedom right all the ways
then subjectively u must b true since it is the exclusive point reference u got to all ur constant instants, ur present free conscious facts
then subjectively u must move freely and not mean to want to exist even if u have to survive or defend urself against others wills
it is truly too tough bc gods are jaleous of existence superiority in truth and devils of course have a very prospereous life bc of the impossibility to exist abuses