This is what I have found, so far, regarding 'Knowledge' and 'free-will/choice';
What is knowledge?
(Short version)
~~~ The new, critically updated, all inclusive, final definition of 'Knowledge';
"'Knowledge' is 'that which is perceived'!"
All inclusive!
That which is perceived by the unique individual Perspective is 'knowledge'.
All we can 'know' is what we perceive, Now! and Now! and Now!!!
'Ignorance' is that which is NOT perceived, at any particular moment, by any particular unique Perspective!
(Even shorter version!)
"To have 'free-will' is to have the ability to 'do otherwise'.
In the complete history of the Universe, no being has ever 'done otherwise', no moment has ever been 'otherwise'!"
Ok, a longer version;
~~~ 'Free-will/choice' exists as a *thought*, a 'belief', a 'feeling'. Thats all. But it exists! Everything exists!
The notion of 'free-will/choice' is unsupportable both from a scientific or philosophical perspective.
Yet it exists in/as 'ego/thought'.
'Thoughts' come in various flavors; memory, anticipatory/expective, imagination, ...
That which exists as 'thought', exists! (as 'thought')
Everything exists!
Benjamin Libet's famous experiment certainly pounded another nail in the 'free-will/choice' coffin! Demonstrating the the brain initiated the action "prior" to the 'choice' being made, 100% of the time!
'Free-will/choice' depends on some moment of existence being 'otherwise'! Never, never in the existence of existence has (or can be) any moment ever been 'otherwise'! Ever! What is, is, and that's all that is or ever can be!
What is, (already) is!
Every moment of existence exists Now!
"The Laws of Nature are not rules controlling the metamorphosis of what is, into what will be. They are descriptions of patterns that exist, all at once... " - Genius; the Life and Science of Richard Feynman
All 'eternity' at once; Now!!
There is only one moment (Planck moment; 10^-43/sec; "almost" one billion trillion trillion trillionths of a second!!!) of the entirety of existence/Reality/the Universe!
All existence, ever, is one, literally, 'timeless' moment!
"The Planck length is about 10^-20 of the diameter of a proton, and thus is an extremely small length. It is much smaller than the smallest length values ever measured or probed, which are about 10-5 of a proton diameter."
1/1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 = one thousand trillion trillionths the diameter of a proton!!
The 'size' of one percept, one unique Perspective, One Soul!, that synchronously exist for one Planck moment!
A 'moment' is a unit of perception, a percept!
"Reality is a synchrony of moments!"
Another point.
To completely define something, the context in which it is perceived must be included in the description.
Ultimately, the COMPLETE context of anything is the entire Universe! (at any moment!) So, to actually 'change' something from what is, to what you find more comfortable (the usual basis of 'desires' and the 'thoughts' of 'will' and 'free-will/choice'), you would have to alter the entire Universe (think Butterfly Effect)!
What an egoic/godlike ability! And just for your own comfort! You might have to ignorantly wipe out 17 galaxies and 486 civilizations so you can 'create' that new chair...
Get the drift?
Thank GOD! that it is impossible for us to 'change' anything!!!
(Any more than a telescope can have 'creative powers' over what it is pointed at!)
Religiously speaking;
The 'belief' in 'free-will/choice' is the number one and all 'sin' of 'pride/vanity'!
Believing that we can 'change' the Universe, that which 'Is', for what usually amounts to 'personal comfort', is quite the ego masturbation!!