One does not ad order to order one corrects those who generate disorder. Good philosophy does not matter per se. It matters to reminds us that what is real cant be any more or any less real...
Good science is in decline...
@Fil Albuquerque,
No, science is going very well, as I reckon. Just because you disagree with this and the past century's physics doesn't mean it's bad science.
Quote:Just because you disagree with this and the past century's physics doesn't mean it's bad science.
True dat, Ollie. Thing is, it don't mean it aint, either.
Ironic the world we live in...I think I understand the implications of the past century physics better then the physicists themselves...(I don't mean the technical details, its not my cup, but the general guide lines I could debate them with any of them, they could bring the best and it would be a public joke)
@Fil Albuquerque,
Well well... Many people say that about climatologists these days. And I say that about willusionist neuroscientists.
Beware that your real domain of competence is probably much narrower than the way you perceive it.
@cicerone imposter,
Quote:Economics has much to do with it, I believe.
I don't see how economics relates to the issue of agency. Purchasing a Mercedes may not be an option for a person due to their finances, but they still make choices for reasons. There are many people without much disposable income who play scratch tickets. Estimates of pathological gambling have numbers near 100 million. There are gambling addiction support groups designed to assist people in their attempt to quit. If a person has agency, then what is the gambler struggling against when trying to quit?
Dopamine is my first guess.
Some cultures still live in inhuman environments even today where killing is common. Isis is a good example.
Quote:Dopamine is my first guess
Yes, and to think that matching symbols scratched off a piece of cardboard could possibly result in a release of this chemical from neurons is pretty wild.
Briancrc wrote:
Quote:Dopamine is my first guess
Yes, and to think that matching symbols scratched off a piece of cardboard could possibly result in a release of this chemical from neurons is pretty wild.
It's Pavlovian, I guess. The brain drools dopamine at certain stimuli. I wonder why the brain would choose to do that?
@cicerone imposter,
Sure. And I bet you that their philosophy is not humanist, not pro-freedom etc.
How you are able to arrive at such conclusions is a mystery. I've been posting on a2k since its creation; only proves you don't know me.
@cicerone imposter,
Of course I don't know you. You don't know me either. So?... What does this got to do with anything?
It's about
your conclusions. You need evidence to prove something; you failed in that regard.
@cicerone imposter,
You mean i must prove free will?
@cicerone imposter,
You two don't know each other. I know (more or less) both of you.
Step on back to the other side...
talk more.
You can call me Buttinsky. Or maybe Buttinskya.
@cicerone imposter,
Al Capone usta have his headquarters in Cicero, IL (really just part of Chicago, but with different cops). You any kin of his?
Naw, I'm more Irish than Italian. My name is taknamara.
Snort, Tak.
Ok, I apologize for butting in, that was emotional as I like both people.
You two have experienced a lot of the world, far as I can understand, in different ways. Tak, aka Cicerone, was raised in a camp for japanese, and later became a world traveler.
Olivier is no dummy.
I don't care if you get along, just that you listen to each other for a bit.
I'm talking about macro-economics. There's a huge difference of choice between some individual living in a third world culture vs developed contemporary ones. Having the wherewithal to travel the world vs an individual living in a third world culture have considerable differences in choice. It's economics.