McGentrix wrote:
Hey Phoenix, welcome to "this crowd". Looks like you got the boot from "the tribe".
You must not be up to speed - that happened years ago.
Quote:Oh, and by the way, you are a quasi-racist now for expressing your views against Obama.
I believe that internally-held and difficult-to-admit racist beliefs are the foundation of the vast majority of the non-policy based criticism of Obama. I have long maintained that the Birther issue (which D'Souza was a major proponent of) and the 'Obama's a Muslim!' attack are both examples of this.
I would say that your side of the fence would have a much better argument against this case, were even 1 out of 10 of you familiar with
any of the details of both Obama's policies and the GOP policies you purportedly support. As I mentioned the other day, it's depressing how few people who participate in political forums put even a single ounce of research into policy details, or how different politicians' plans will affect the country. Instead, what we see more often is this stupid 'neo-colonialist' bullshit.