McG...I work with a solid Republican, far-right group of old, white men. I love each and every one of 'em...and I appreciate their passion. I appreciate your passion also...and the passion and dedication of the other frustrated conservatives on A2K...which admittedly has a leftward bias.
I don't consider myself a liberal although I am occasionally mistaken for one. I most assuredly do not consider myself a conservative...and I cringe in disgust when I am occasionally mistaken for one.
Bottom line...Niall Ferguson is full of ****.
Further bottom line...I would make a sizable bet that Obama will not be re-elected in November.
Further bottom line...I am almost certain that no matter who is elected in November, the condition our the world economy (including ours) will be 10 times more dismal in 2016 than it is today...and that people will be looking at today with feeling of nostalgia...and hopes that these kinds of days will return.
You are correct that the liberals fall short of dealing with many of the problems of today...but the conservatives fall short also. Some of the problems, especially the economic ones, CANNOT be made better. The world truly has changed and the kinds of tweaking the economy needs are cosmic, systemic changes.
In a conversation with my sister earlier this week, it became apparent that both of us, huge Obama supporters, would love to see a large Romney victory...and have both houses of congress go heavily Republican.
You conservatives would then own the problem...and I think the Republicans and conservatives are particularly ill-suited to dealing with them. I think the kind of win I mentioned would end up with economic disaster for the world. But it seems we simply are not willing to deal with this catastrophe until it actually comes into being.
Good luck, McG.