@Frank Apisa,
I'm not asking anyone to conform to my sexual mores - you're the one who stated that if people don't conform to hers and people like her or understand and agree with the choices they make sexually, THEIR sexual mores constricting and confined and restricted to missionary sex in the marital bed.
You ARE beyond ridiculous.
I don't give a crap who has sex with who or what - as long as they are not adults placed in a position of trust who are taking advantage of having a group of children and/or young and/or vulnerable adults placed under the auspices of their 'care' and 'authority', to elicit sex.
And yes, I know your words (after the fact- when your salacious enjoyment of the situation was pointed out to you) seem to imply you agree that she shouldn't face prison , but should not be teaching , but then you betray those words YET AGAIN when YOU point out that anyone who doesn't agree with YOUR take on her behavior must be sexually frustrated, repressed and only enjoys sex one very specific and pedestrian way.
I haven't made any judgments on or about how you or anyone has sex because I don't care how anyone else has consentual sex, as long as my tax dollars aren't paying their salary at a place where they're SUPPOSED tp be educating children and okay, young adults, not texting them for sex.
So don't try to put me (or anyone else) in some pigeonhole about how I or they have sex based on our opinion on her behavior. Which is exactly what you did do.