Quote:I, Bill, take you, Mrs Bill, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."
Sorry but the vows was taken in bad faith by her as she hid the fact that she had problems with drugs for one thing from me before we got married.
When that information came out I told her that I would stay with her and help her if she would try to get off the drugs and she did not take me up on that offer.
She broke her vows and one of the commandments in bearing false witness against me by claiming that I had hit her when the only one hit in that married was me by her.
She broke her vows when she used the fact that I had placed her name on my home that she had placed zero dollars in to allow her sister to remain in the home against my wishes after her sister brought in both drugs and stolen property into the home.
Her sister also borrow my new car then gotten high and wreck it when carrying a firearm of mine without my knowledge let alone my permission.
I could go on but I had zero moral obligation to not get rid of her as fast as possible.
Oh I for the fun of it checked on her by way of the public records and found first that she had talk her mother into placing her name on her mother paid off home and then had taken out a loan on it and then lost her mother home to the bank.
It a shame as I like my ex mother in law a fine lady.
PS I am and was at the time an open Atheist so the god part of the vows was meaningless to me and that fact was known by my then wife.
You can not get a god involved that does not exist.