I call myself a moderate today because what conservatism used to stand for no longer exists, and the far left liberals don't know how to say no to expanding social services without considering its costs.
However, to clarify, both democrats and republicans knew about the funding problems for social security and Medicare for several decades, and both never acted upon them to solve these problems. They must both share the blame.
The conservatives are now blaming Obama for the 14 trillion dollar deficit without acknowledging the simple fact that most of that 14 trillion was accumulated before Obama took over the white house. Even then, we now have gridlock in congress because the GOP will not compromise on anything, and only want Obama to fail.
Most of the 2 trillion that Obama added to the deficit went to help middle class families with tax cuts and extension of unemployment insurance for the loss of jobs from the GW Bush Great Recession.
Conservatives do not live in the real world; all they want to do is cut all expenses except defense, and continue to give tax breaks to the wealthy.
They still haven't paid for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and they complain about the federal deficit.
There's no cure for s.........