Religion - (Christianity) Please Help...!

Arella Mae
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2012 02:05 am
I saw this thread and went back through to see if I've seen it before but I didn't see me anywhere on here.........but I'm tired so if I posted before sorry and this is how I feel about your quandry at this space in time............

If you are a Christian, then you know we go by what the bible says. Your answers are, in my opinion, in that book. I know people say there are all kinds of interpretations of that book but I believe God will let you know what is right if you pray about it and ask Him to show you the truth. Read it and study it and seek your answers there. If you go to different denominations, etc., you'll get only the opinions of human beings.

I am sorry you are feeling so confused about your beliefs. I know it's not easy.
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2012 06:55 am
I'm sorry if I gave that impression. But I was only trying to supply some back ground information related to the issue. But lets do as you say and just let the Scriptures speak for themselves.

And really, to help you get an understanding of the type and color of people that are part of my congregation, here are a few facts about us that should help you.

1: We currently produce Bibles and Bible aids in over 600 languages world wide. Something unmatched by no other organization. Either religious or secular.
2: Our ministers do not get paid a salary in obedience to Jesus command at Matthew 10:8
3: We do not tigth or have money collections at our meetings.

For more info why not visit our website: Edit: Moderator: Link Removed. Its the only official website for us.
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2012 08:24 am
@Arella Mae,
Very nicely said. That is exactly what can be counted on. The Bible is the only true source that can be trusted. The post I submitted earlier about the tongues used by the apostles in the Bible book of Acts chapter 2 verses 4 - 12 is an example of how the Bible alone settles matters. Especially of note is the statement made by the people in verse 11.
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2012 08:27 am
Hey Briana,

Did you have a chance to examine what is said in the Bible at Acts chapter 2 and verses 4 - 12? Play close attention to what is said in verse 11 about the tongues.
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2012 08:56 am
Anthony, you are a member of a powerful church with a strong leadership. Let me ask you this question. This is the question behind the post that Brianna wrote to start this thread.

I assume you agree that following the Bible is more important than following the teachings of your church. If you, through personal Bible study reach an understanding that is different then the teachings of your church, what do you do? In many strong organized churches this is punished, often by making someone feel like a social outcast (which is a pretty harsh punishment in a close social group). Do you have any way to disagree with what your church says that doesn't involve losing your social group?

This is the issue I have with churches with such a strong leadership. Members of these churches are asked not to have have beliefs that are different than their church teachings and they are not allowed to develop their own personal understand of scripture. In essence, members of these church are asked to turn off a part of their minds and not think or question what they have been taught even if these questions come from personal study of the Bible.

I would bet that Arella Mae has some pretty sharp disagreements with your church leaders about what the Bible says on many key issues.

Would you consider her part of The Church?

Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2012 09:42 am
anthony1312002 wrote:
the Bible alone settles matters.

How do you deal with the different translations of the bible? how have you personally decided which is the right one? which version do you follow? do you read the Torah in conjunction with your reading of the bible?

Personally, I have no interest in any translation based on the St. James since so much of the wording has since been found to be incorrect/imprecise. I prefer more current translations. I also think it's important to read the Torah as so much of the source material is found there.
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2012 11:48 am
Isn't the Torah a part of the Christian Bible, specifically the first five books?

Maybe you meant to refer to the Talmud?
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2012 01:50 pm
Hey Maxdancona, this is Anthony

Sorry about the late response. I had to re-register. I did a no no. I posted a link to a site. That's against the rules of this forum.

But to answer you question, as Jehovah's people we are encouraged to study the Scriptures and make sure for ourselves. From my studies I've come to find that what is taught does indeed match up with what the Bible teaches, free of interpretation. For example, while many wonder what's God's purpose for humanity and the earth is, we don't since the Bible answers this question at Psalm 37:29 and in the words of Jesus at Matthew 5:5.

Many who have become Jehovah's Witnesses use to thing like yourself. That the witnesses are being controlled. Told what to think and beleive. After really checking out what is taught and comparing it to the Bible however, they found that they were wrong in their assumtions. And being asked to turn off our minds couldn't be further from the truth. In fact the direct opposit is true. We are encourage to use our minds to reason on matter according to the Scriptures. As the apostle Paul makes clear where he says: (Romans 12:1) "Consequently I entreat YOU by the compassions of God, brothers, to present YOUR bodies a sacrifice living, holy, acceptable to God, a sacred service with YOUR power of reason. ."

No maxdancona, I think you've been mis-informed on some things.
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2012 03:46 pm
And not the first shred of evidence that the invisible sky-daddy even exists outside the Bronze Age myths. Gullibility. Making charlatans rich since pre-history. Wink
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2012 04:06 pm
I've always thought that the first shamans were intelligent men and women, skeptical and free of the automatic acceptance of supersitious explanations for the unknown. At some point, the nickel dropped, and they realized that they could live a life of ease (relative) by interceding for the band with the numinous and fearsome powers which they (the band) believed surrounded them. Man, what a gig!
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2012 04:09 pm
Didn't they also get to smoke all the good ****?
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2012 04:11 pm
Hey . . . ya gotta get in touch with the spirit world somehow . . .
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2012 04:36 pm
Now we're drifting into controversies akin to the Illuminati. I think Shamans were dumb as the people they were serving. They were medicine men who dabbled in the fantasy that they were a psychic by some out of world aid or divine special intervention.
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2012 04:51 pm
You think your way, and i'll think mine.
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2012 05:43 pm
I like using the New World Translation. It's known by many scholars as being one of the most accurate translations available.
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2012 05:56 pm
AnthonyJ wrote:
From my studies I've come to find that what is taught does indeed match up with what the Bible teaches , free of interpretation.

Look at this debate between neologist and real life, two erstwhile members, the former argues from a JW point of view, the latter from a more traditional Protestant fundamentalist one:
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Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2012 06:04 pm
Not at all. One of the most influential exegetical writers of the early church, and a crucial writer of textual criticism was Origen (a.k.a. Origenes Adamantius). Although he was subsequently anathematized for what had come to be called heresy, his textual criticism was very important in the selection of texts which came to be the canonical version of the New Testament. Because of the antipathy toward him after his death, many of his works have not survived, and of those that do, many are obviously recensions which attempted to correct hs "errors." Nevertheless, thousands of pages of his writing survived. From that writing, we know that Origen was using a corrupted copy of the Septuagint, which is the Hebrew Bible translated into Koine Greek. Despite the animus against him even in his own lifetime, his was a profound influence on many church fathers, most notably Pamphilus and his protege, Eusebius (called Pamphili because of his devotion to his master). Eusebius is known as the father of church history, and he lobbied for what was, basically, Origen's version of the New Testament. Eusebius, even though he likely was an Arian, wrote the Nicene creed. All copies of the New Testament which survive date from Eusebius' lifetime, almost three centuries after the alleged death of the putative Christ.

A careful study of Jewish scripture in conjunction with a study of the New Testament is well advised for any christian scholar. A knowledge of the church fathers and at least a aummary of their writings can't go amiss, either.
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2012 10:29 am

Could you give me an example where you disagree with the leaders of your church on how they understand the Bible? Assuming that you don't see them as infallible, there must be something from your own study of the Bible where you think your church has it wrong.

Personal study of the Bible doesn't do any good if you are unable to come up with your own opinions.

Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2012 08:47 am
Hey maxdancona,

Up to this point I have found nothing with which I'm in disagreement with. Basically I've found Jehovah's Witnesses to be in line with what the Bible actually teaches. Here are just a few examples that will help you see why I take this position.

Question: According to the Bible, will the physical earth ever be destroyed
What Jehovah's Witnesses Believe: No, it will last forever. See Ecclesiasties 1:4; Psalm 37:29; 104:5; Isaiah 45:18

Question:: According to the Bible, what is the condition of the dead?
What Jehovah's Witnesses Believe: The dead are conscious of nothing. See Ecclesiastes 9:5; Psalm 146:4 and John 11:11-14

Question: Is it possible for a person to get out of hell?
What Jehovah's Witnesses Believe: Yes. See Revelation 20:13,14

Question: Will death and hell ever be destroyed, put out of existence?
What Jehovah's Witnesses Believe: Yes. See Revelation 20:14

Question: Is God responsible for the suffering that exists in the world?
What Jehovah's Witnesses Believe: No. See Job 34:10; James 1:13

In each of these noted examples and others not listed, I have found the Witnesses to be in complete agreement with what the Bible actually teaches. But really this should not surprise us. After all, God's Son, Jesus, gave a guarantee at John 8:31,32 that his disciples, searching God's Word with a proper motive would get to find and know the truth.
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2012 09:07 am
What efforts are you making to read it in languages closer to the original?

Do you compare the versions out there? there is quite a bit of variability in some areas. How do you adjust for those variations?
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