You forget that in the 70s they played a lot dirtier. the 49ers would be prancing around the field like little girls and the Steelers defense would smash them in the mouth a couple hundred times and beat them into submission. And besides, you ever hear of Bradshaw and Lynn Swann?
the best part of fanasy football over the ages is that everyone wins
kickycan wrote:You forget that in the 70s they played a lot dirtier. the 49ers would be prancing around the field like little girls and the Steelers defense would smash them in the mouth a couple hundred times and beat them into submission. And besides, you ever hear of Bradshaw and Lynn Swann?
Not to mention Stallworth and Franco... But if you are talking old school tough... who would you fear more than
Ray Nitschke?
Charles Haley and Bill Romonowski would have been blasting T.B. and
RONNIE LOTT! would have broken about 3 arms!
And Occom, do you like the Packers?
How many times do I have to say it?
I wish I could post a picture. That guy was scary looking.
The missing teeth in the front!!? The ferocious hits he'd deliver on anyone who dared cross his path!!? He was a frickin' monster, I tell ya!
Although I did see Earl Campbell run right over him once at the very end of his career. I cried a little bit that day . . .
But I gotta say, those old guys were way f*cking tougher than these cell-phone-in-the-end-zone, football-signing, bicep-flexing, spoiled babies nowadays.
I'm not saying the 70 Steelers are chopped liver, but the Niners are the best ever. With Michael Carter clogging up the middle, Don Griffin and Ronnie Lott locking up the receivers, and Charles Haley pressuring the QB, how could we lose?
The ultimate prize though, is a Championship. 4 for the Niners(Not all time of course :wink: ) and 4 for the Steelers, so it's hard to say. But I think the Niners would win, and easily.
Child of the Light wrote:The ultimate prize though, is a Championship. 4 for the Niners(Not all time of course :wink: ) and 4 for the Steelers, so it's hard to say.
Well then Child; I geuss it's no contest. Count em; 1961, 1962, 1965, 1966, 1967. Any questions? And by the way; if you did mean all time... the Pack wins that category, too. :wink:
Why are you counting pre-merge? You know that doesn't count.
So if you want to do it that way, we have Cowboys and Niners.
Rules, I didn't see not stinkin' rules...........
Well, in an NFL discussion you don't count the pre-merge days. I thought that was obvious.
I think you better check your addition...
1929, 1930, 1931, 1933, 1936, 1939, 1944, 1961, 1962, 1965, 1966, 1967 and 1996= Most Championships ever, by any Pro Football team... Sorry! :wink:
Hey, the greatest player ever is Jim Thorpe - thems pre-pre-pre merger days. He went not only both ways, but a couple of others also.....
In physical size and ability; no team can compare to the size of the behemoths they put on the field today. Talent is the only possible trait that can be compared, and no one can truly do that. But, there is no losers
How many of those were pre-merge though?
I've never seen Thorpe play, nor any video of him....So I'll have to take you word for that. Although I've heard all the stories about him.
Child of the Light wrote:Well, in an NFL discussion you don't count the pre-merge days. I thought that was obvious.

I believe it was you who posted the comparison... Do you really think ESPN meant for respondents to ignore the first half of the 60's?
ESPN chose them because they were the best team of the 60's. That special only spawned this discussion, it isn't the basis.
Kicky- There is nothing wrong with getting run over by Earl Cambell. That guy was unstoppable... briefly.
Child- Superbowl I was 1966
Billw- You are correct. The atheletes today would dominate the old teams. Forget the size... think about the speed!
If you include the excess power and speed of players today... a certain Rams

Team actually sticks out as the most unstoppable offense I've ever seen (followed of course by the 96 Packers :wink: ).
I know when the first Super Bowl was, and the 49ers are offense. That Packer team was coached by Holmgren, a Walsh disciple.
Quote:Billw- You are correct. The atheletes today would dominate the old teams. Forget the size... think about the speed!
Together, it makes them unstoppable. I heard an interview with a lineman from OU's 2000 championship team and he says that they couldn't even stay on the field with the current crop. Of course, after bleak '90s and the 2000 championship - OU got to recruit at a much higher level......
Back in "those" years the players didn't weight train. It was believed they would become muscle bound. Then, there is genetics and steroids.