@cicerone imposter,
It's a little complicated. When the GOP took over the Ohio State government they immediately passed a big fat Voter ID law, many screams of protest followed, so they backed off almost all of it
except they kept the part about NO PRE-ELECTION DAY VOTING. As if the supposed fraudulent voters would want to show up when there is hardly anybody else there. They made an exception: all Military voters could still vote
in person prior to the election.
Got it? GIs yes, everybody else, no.
The Obama administration sued~~~~ saying that if you are going to allow
some people to vote on certain days, you've got to allow
everyone to vote on those days.
This is where it gets fun.
The Romney campaign, because they cannot read, took that to mean the Obama Administration was in favor of not allowing ANYONE to vote prior to the election. (which if you have been paying attention was how the GOP wanted things before they stuck in the Okay for GIs part.)
"Oh," they cried" Obama is trying to stop our military from voting!!!! Land Sakes alive.!!"
They were claiming what was the opposite of true as true..
...Someone needs to check to see if anybody has been reported missing from BizzarroWorld.
They got the words "everyone" and "Anyone" mixed up. Kids do the funniest things.
So, everybody, except Rush, jumped all over the Romney folks and told them to shut up. And they did.
Court decision to follow soon....me betcha EVERYBODY get to vote early.
Joe(that is all)Nation