So one day me and my boyfriend were just making out and he started to finger me ( i know i shouldnt have let him). he told me that before he fingered me he "jizzed in his pants" and went to the bathroom and wiped himself off with toilette paper... so is it possible that when he fingered me he had something on his fingers and i am now pregnant? what are the chances i am? the boy and i aren't even together anymore

(probably cause he got what he wanted, or at least thats what my friends are saying). but the thing is, i had mono (yes he gave me mono) for about a month and i got my period like half way through the month to when i normally get it, but it only lasted about a day or 2. My mom said that it was probably just cause im sick, but she doesnt know that i got fingered. I'm really scared i made a huge mistake, and im only 15. Please help me!!