Here's trouble to the ten. Or perhaps opnly the start of it. Or just that I'm troubled-angry.
My sister is with husband (and most probably youngest nephew) staying at her MIL in my native town.
(She didn't phone yet, but a flower arrangement [traditionally done here at Alll Saints Day] was on father's tomb .... and I saw their car]. Seems, she visited mother, too: some flowers were there as well.)
Well, I don't know if that's the reason, the lovely weather ...

view from mother's window this afternoon
... well, when I arrived at the home, mother's room door was wid open.
She had "packed" again, and said that she waited now for the taxi to go home.
Some discussions, some harsh words at first, followed by trying to find out what happened.
That what she said was ... well, psychotic, I think, completely disregarding reality.
The nurse showed me in the (computer) diary, written in red and marked that my mother attended the gymnastics today (in the day care), but phoned from there "her lawyer" and asked him to get her out. He is said to have answered that he wanted to clear the facts with the managing team.
I really don't know if and with whom she spoke (our lawyers aren't practising anymore, she doesn't know any of the new lawyers in the office. No-one called here, too).
So I wonder now, how things will develop.
I don't expect that the staff of this home will keep things let going like this _ they'll ask me shorter or later to look for some other place.
Which might well be very similar to where my aunt is now, I think.
But perhaps, I hope, I'm just to pessimistic - a big bang comes and mother cheerfully stays there, glad that I brought her to this place ...