Thanks for your kind, good wishes - they are really very appreciated.
Yes, mother "knows" that we are away (though we told her a closer place .... but she had forgotten about all that minutes later).
It nearly clear that my aunt will have to stay some more time (weeks, if not months) in the psychiatric hospital. (That partly depends on how the insurence company acts/reacts after two, three or more months.)
They did what I thought they would do, even faster .... and better:
treated her at first with a different medication than at home: then tried changes, afterwrads different pills;additionally, they tried a psychological therapy ....
And what was to be expected happened: no real changes.
So they'll make a CT his week, just to clear up that there are no somatic brain damages or a tumor or ...
And then, they'll try it again .... which will finally lead to some kind of home for psychiatric ill seniors.
(What I wanted to avoid - how good they might be. But to be fair: she would need so much, so 'close' [for not staying in bed, for eating, drinking, for ... name it]attention, which can't be done in a normal senor's home, even, when they got specilised nurses and a special ward for such.)
Mother was more than perplex when we told her that she'll leave on Tuesday or Wednesday and goes home.
She became very quiet, however, when we told her about her sister's situation, that we would visit her but not three times or even twice per day, that my sister and my BIL will now take more care ...
It might well be that her "maybe it's Tuesday that I can go home" was a sign of .... well, what ever.
She really had had HER day today again: not only did she talk to various stuff in the house: she had sent her physiotherapist away (well, she stayed), didn't sign the prescription for the last six visits (which I'll do, we've got the same family name :wink: ), asked her not to come anymore ...
At home, she doesn't want the 'meals on wheels' but will cook (and do the shopping) !like she'd always done".
We'll see what happens when next week. If.
Weatherforcast speaaks of snow, storm, rain for this weekend.
We've got a roomy accomodation. The hotel has a huge wellness and massage section for the Missus - and I've plenty of books.
Besides, there are a couple of museums worth being visited the third or even forth time (and the historic library has reopened for some dozen visitors/day after the fire a couple of days ago).
I suppose, I need a jacket and even a tie, perhaps, in a 5* hotel ....