cjhsa wrote:My father today forwarded an e-mail that he forwarded two weeks ago - which I told him was a fake then. Today I let him know it in no uncertain terms. We'll see if he remembers.
Well two weeks is almost forgivable re being 'normal'--we all get so many of those dang forwarded things that you don't always remember what all you've deleted or forwarded or whatever or which ones are the real deal and which ones are fake. (I have gotten in the habit of checking out the rumors on Snopes et al, however and if it is a fake I do what you did and return to sender with that information.)
My sis, however, can come to our house and watch a movie with us and laugh and enjoy it enormously and discuss the history of the stars at some detail. Two weeks later she won't remember having seen it.
And that is a worry. Uncertain whether the phenomena is due to early onset of dementia, or whether it is a syndrome related to the heavy pain medication.