@Lustig Andrei,
Andrei says, " Uh...I understand that you live in a nursing home. But you do realize that this is 2012 and that, therefore, 1984 was actually 28 years ago, don't you? "
"1984" was a novel by George Orwell. It portrays a society in which government knows all about us, keeps us drugged up, and controls all our lives. At the time it was published, the year, 1984, was quite far in the future. Now, that year is in the past, but the society it portrayed is still chilling to me now since modern society is resembling it in ways.
Have you read the book? (clearly not), I have read it. Would you be more satisfied if it's name were "3084"? The year matters little, but the society it portrays does matter.
But, "Better a dram than a damn" (from "1984") so screw it.