Tue 31 Jul, 2012 07:27 am - Romney has clearly stated he agrees with corporations are people. Doesn't that open his selection field for a running mate substantially? Would you GOPpers rally behind a Romney/Chick-A-Filet... (view)
Mon 30 Jul, 2012 04:00 pm - House needs a vacation, now
http://www.bizjournals.com/washington/blog/fedbiz_daily/2012/07/legislation-to-prevent-government.html (view)
Mon 30 Jul, 2012 02:35 pm - "Joker" is from the new Batman movie where the "Joker" kills hundreds with his assault weapon.
This "real Joker's' T-Shirt reads, "Guns don't kill... (view)
Mon 30 Jul, 2012 06:10 am - "Swing states give Obama the edge"
"If those polls were borne out on Election Day, Obama would coast to victory with 332 electoral college votes. Only 270 votes are needed to win... (view)
Sun 29 Jul, 2012 04:36 pm - Root, root, all red-blooded Americans for Ann Romney's horse with a terraz0-tiled, brass fitting stable after the mare jetted over the Atlantic to compete in the "Dassage"... (view)