Investor4life wrote:Wow, it's amazing how you judge me even though you don't know a thing about me.
I checked and it's not true - they are judging your arguments, not you personally. Please quote any personal judgement.
Portal Star wrote:satt_focusable wrote:Wilso..
Science is transient. Would you be a transitory existence?
Correction: some of science is transient. We still rely on many of the findings of the ancient greeks, phonecians, etc. especially in physics. Note the invention of finding the world's circumference by studying shadows at two points on the earth.
Science changes when it was incorrect in the first place or is influenced by somthing other than science (ex: biblical account that the world is flat, that zeus produced thunder, etc.)
Actually there is still a Flat World Society!
ILZ completely agree. But I don't like to be too harsh on these poor souls.
IronLionZion wrote:Investor4life wrote:umm, that's why this is called a discussion chat - Don't be offended because people have a belief in a higher power or even don't believe- either way everyone is entitled to their opinion/view. Just like you wouldn't like to be bashed or told that you are completely irrational and deluded for stating your opinions. By the way, religion is man-made, there's a big difference between a religious fanatic and a spiritual person.
You are free to believe in a magical sexist homopobe in the sky, who made his son into a human sacrifice to save us all from his own self-decreed law. You're well withen your rights. But that doesn't make your belief a rational one, or your reasons anything more than the deluded superstitions they are.
In any case, objectively speaking, your belief is no more rational than my chosen religion, which is explained comprehensively
here. I can only hope you find it withen yourself to see the Truth of my chosen faith, for the IPU is the only path to righteousness and redemption. All praises be to the IPU; the munificent, the mercifull.
By the way, you will burn tortuously in hell forever if you don't pray to MY God. Thats how much he loves you.
I find that, sometimes, intolerance of others religions to be based on jealousy and misunderstanding. Is it the fact that someone else has faith in something that bothers the intolerant? Or is the idea that others do not have the same beliefs that irritates the intolerant?
Sorry, Mesquite, I was gone for a couple days. It was translated into "days" in english, but the original word meant "periods." Especially since when he started there was no sun, and no earth, a "day" couldn't even be defined in our terms. There is also scripture that talks of god living on a different planet, and subject to differently to time. In other words, the planet could rotate more slowly. Those are three different possibilities. Personally I subscribe to the first.
2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day
God be with you, Investor.
A day is 86400 seconds.
SCoates wrote:Sorry, Mesquite, I was gone for a couple days. It was translated into "days" in english, but the original word meant "periods." Especially since when he started there was no sun, and no earth, a "day" couldn't even be defined in our terms. There is also scripture that talks of god living on a different planet, and subject to differently to time. In other words, the planet could rotate more slowly. Those are three different possibilities. Personally I subscribe to the first.
It seems clear to me that the verse was speaking of days as we know them, especially in the light of using the seventh day as the sabath.
Quote:.5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
[Literally, "and the evening was, and the morning was, the first day."] Day How could the word "day" (Hebrew yowm for both occurrences in this verse) be both the time of light and also evening and morning? First, the evening-plus-morning days are simply called days in the literal week described by the fourth commandment ex2011 so we see them as 24-hour periods. The terms evening and morning relate to light coming out of or after darkness. The day as a cycle of time begins at sundown and continues to the next sundown as we see the dark part of the "day" first here. This is confirmed by le2332. On days of creation being long periods of time, see the note on another page for this verse.
Here is one argument against different periods of time written by a believer. My point is that literal interpretations are full of problems, and any attempt at alternate explanations is just more fiction.
Quote:Could a day in this chapter be thousands or millions of years?
Many people today, even theologians, perhaps in an effort to be scholarly and accept the popular theories of origins, consider the first eleven chapters of Genesis as ancient mythology or traditions. In an effort to harmonize evolution and biblical religion, they say that a "day" in Genesis 1 was a long period of time - millions of years. This effort for harmony is called "theistic evolution." Any such attempt to assume the Genesis "day" as not literal, however, pulls a fundamental pin out of the credibility of the Bible causing the whole structure to crash. Obviously Satan takes fiendish pleasure in this. Consider the following reasons to believe the Bible as it reads:
As noted with v5 above, the fourth commandment of the ten God gave at Sinai refers to creation week assuming literal days ex2008.
If the Genesis 1 day were a million years, the plants created on day three would all die during the 500,000 years of darkness before the next daytime. The idea doesn't fit well into evolution either.
Over the years, evolutionists have lengthened their opinion of the time since life began in order to allow for evolutionary changes so a thousand years or a million are still too short. And now it may clearly be shown that some of the molecular life form structures could not have evolved since their component parts do not exist independently.
Evolution assumes a beginning, with lightning causing mutations or combining of elements to get the first simple life form going, but there is simply no explanation of where the sea and the lightning came from. Only God could create from nothing he1103. We cannot prove that but have evidence of His working in our naturally evil hearts. We may trust His word, too.
Peter wrote of scoffers who feel that the world hasn't changed and are "willingly ignorant" of the flood of Genesis 2pe0303ff. He wrote after the time of Christ, so if we doubt him, we doubt everything! In fact his warning is about this very thing. In verse 8 of the same chapter, Peter said that a day with the Lord is as a thousand years. This doesn't help because he also says that a thousand years is as a day. It's not a mathematical formula.
l believe that the God who sent Jesus and the Jesus who, with the Holy Spirit draws us to the divine way of peace and love, are also well able to preserve the truth of the Scriptures.
What is a "day"? Meaning of the Hebrew yom. (The word should be written with an accent mark: yôm. This commentary omits the accents since many accented letters for Hebrew transliterations are not in the common character set.)
The word, yom, may mean a literal 24-hour day or a long period of time or a future time. However, without qualifying terms or forms as in Genesis 1, yom always means a literal day.
When yom is modified by an ordinal number as in 1:5 (see left column) it is literal with the exceptions of ho0602, zc1407, and am0404.
Lexicographers (Dictionary writers) always follow the literal-day translation.
The seven-day work-and-rest pattern is confirmed twice in Exodus. Manna was provided and gathered for six literal days but neither occurred on the seventh literal day. This sequence of work and rest for both God and the people was clearly modeled after the creation week. Then in the ten commandments, as already noted, the Sabbath was confirmed by the same six-plus-one literal day pattern ex2008.
This leaves us with the conclusion that the earth was formed in six literal days followed by one literal day set apart for rest.
Defender wrote:God be with you.....
Which one?
Would you like me to quote similarly vague passages from EVERY OTHER RELIGION ON THE PLANET? Cause, like, you know, I can, like, totally do that.
Defender - flood stories make sense. There are shells and other things clearly from the sea found in sediment all over the world. How is a populus without science to describe that? The same way african tribes describe how a leopard got it's spots - through story. There is also a constant circultion of world ideas - different cultures build off of each other - this is clearly evidenced in the impact of Peganism on Christianity.
"Evolutionists" are not a group - because evolution has not been contested it is accepted in science. That is like saying all the scholars in the world are "gravitists" clearly trying to shun all of the "non-gravitists" out. It exists that way because it is consistent with scientific findings.
Please be aware that scientists shouldn't have alternate agendas - they are trying to figure out how the universe does work, not how it should.
"If we long to believe that the stars rise and set for us, that we are the reason there is a Universe, does science do us a disservice in deflating our conceits?"
Carl Sagan
satt_focusable wrote:I am talking about scientific view on human position.
And one can ask, "what does the principle of lever imply for the meaning of human existence?"
Scientific view on the human position is a different matter than the validity of science over time. Yes, scientific view on the human position changes because what people are interested in discovering and what people are allowed to discover varies with culture. Whether or not those findings are refuted later depends on whether or not the findings were correct in the first place
(just look at Freud, who was considered an expert for a decade until we tried to replicate his findings and found out he was just a loudmouthed nutcase who everybody liked because he talked about controversial and sexy subjects.)
What is popular is subject to whims - what is correct is not.
What does the principle of the lever imply for human existence? I was discussing a similar matter about the use of cars in another thread. It makes our lives easier, and our brains larger. (It could be argued that, in the long run, technology does the opposite.)
Dono wrote:Portal Star wrote:satt_focusable wrote:Wilso..
Science is transient. Would you be a transitory existence?
Correction: some of science is transient. We still rely on many of the findings of the ancient greeks, phonecians, etc. especially in physics. Note the invention of finding the world's circumference by studying shadows at two points on the earth.
Science changes when it was incorrect in the first place or is influenced by somthing other than science (ex: biblical account that the world is flat, that zeus produced thunder, etc.)
Actually there is still a Flat World Society!
There is also a society for informing animals of their taxonomic position :wink: .
Actually, it would be impossible for me to care less what you do.
mesquite wrote:SCoates wrote:Sorry, Mesquite, I was gone for a couple days. It was translated into "days" in english, but the original word meant "periods." Especially since when he started there was no sun, and no earth, a "day" couldn't even be defined in our terms. There is also scripture that talks of god living on a different planet, and subject to differently to time. In other words, the planet could rotate more slowly. Those are three different possibilities. Personally I subscribe to the first.
It seems clear to me that the verse was speaking of days as we know them, especially in the light of using the seventh day as the sabath.
Quote:.5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
[Literally, "and the evening was, and the morning was, the first day."] Day How could the word "day" (Hebrew yowm for both occurrences in this verse) be both the time of light and also evening and morning? First, the evening-plus-morning days are simply called days in the literal week described by the fourth commandment ex2011 so we see them as 24-hour periods. The terms evening and morning relate to light coming out of or after darkness. The day as a cycle of time begins at sundown and continues to the next sundown as we see the dark part of the "day" first here. This is confirmed by le2332. On days of creation being long periods of time, see the note on another page for this verse.
Here is one argument against different periods of time written by a believer. My point is that literal interpretations are full of problems, and any attempt at alternate explanations is just more fiction.
Quote:Could a day in this chapter be thousands or millions of years?
Many people today, even theologians, perhaps in an effort to be scholarly and accept the popular theories of origins, consider the first eleven chapters of Genesis as ancient mythology or traditions. In an effort to harmonize evolution and biblical religion, they say that a "day" in Genesis 1 was a long period of time - millions of years. This effort for harmony is called "theistic evolution." Any such attempt to assume the Genesis "day" as not literal, however, pulls a fundamental pin out of the credibility of the Bible causing the whole structure to crash. Obviously Satan takes fiendish pleasure in this. Consider the following reasons to believe the Bible as it reads:
As noted with v5 above, the fourth commandment of the ten God gave at Sinai refers to creation week assuming literal days ex2008.
If the Genesis 1 day were a million years, the plants created on day three would all die during the 500,000 years of darkness before the next daytime. The idea doesn't fit well into evolution either.
Over the years, evolutionists have lengthened their opinion of the time since life began in order to allow for evolutionary changes so a thousand years or a million are still too short. And now it may clearly be shown that some of the molecular life form structures could not have evolved since their component parts do not exist independently.
Evolution assumes a beginning, with lightning causing mutations or combining of elements to get the first simple life form going, but there is simply no explanation of where the sea and the lightning came from. Only God could create from nothing he1103. We cannot prove that but have evidence of His working in our naturally evil hearts. We may trust His word, too.
Peter wrote of scoffers who feel that the world hasn't changed and are "willingly ignorant" of the flood of Genesis 2pe0303ff. He wrote after the time of Christ, so if we doubt him, we doubt everything! In fact his warning is about this very thing. In verse 8 of the same chapter, Peter said that a day with the Lord is as a thousand years. This doesn't help because he also says that a thousand years is as a day. It's not a mathematical formula.
l believe that the God who sent Jesus and the Jesus who, with the Holy Spirit draws us to the divine way of peace and love, are also well able to preserve the truth of the Scriptures.
What is a "day"? Meaning of the Hebrew yom. (The word should be written with an accent mark: yôm. This commentary omits the accents since many accented letters for Hebrew transliterations are not in the common character set.)
The word, yom, may mean a literal 24-hour day or a long period of time or a future time. However, without qualifying terms or forms as in Genesis 1, yom always means a literal day.
When yom is modified by an ordinal number as in 1:5 (see left column) it is literal with the exceptions of ho0602, zc1407, and am0404.
Lexicographers (Dictionary writers) always follow the literal-day translation.
The seven-day work-and-rest pattern is confirmed twice in Exodus. Manna was provided and gathered for six literal days but neither occurred on the seventh literal day. This sequence of work and rest for both God and the people was clearly modeled after the creation week. Then in the ten commandments, as already noted, the Sabbath was confirmed by the same six-plus-one literal day pattern ex2008.
This leaves us with the conclusion that the earth was formed in six literal days followed by one literal day set apart for rest.
I don't see anything to support his arguments. I'm sure the meaning was argued since as soon as the bible began to be compiled. Their decision then was based on as much fact as ours now. In other words none. Also, the verse in exodus does nothing to prove it was literal. The sabbath day was symbolism. It was meant to REMIND them of how god rested, not to be exactly the same length of time as that rest. Anyway, I doubt we will eventually agree on this point, so let's move on to the next flaw.
Any rational person watching insects fly can understand that on the day that the first bat ever snagged the first insect using echo-location, the echo-location had to work perfectly, and that such a capability could not possibly evolve.
Consider what life must have been like for the evolutionists' "proto-bat", attempting to develop echo-location over a multi-thousand- generation span:
This creature's life would almost certainly have been one continual, bad hallucination, from dawn to dusk and then back again, from the day he was born to the day he died.
Picture being stoned out of your mind on every hallucinatory drug at the same time, and then trying to watch and make sense of the very worst television broadcast you've ever seen, you know, the sort of thing you see for about 20 seconds before the "Technical Difficulties" screen comes up. That's all that that poor little evolving bat ever knew of our world.
And yet, the brilliant Ediacara crew, along with their brilliant FAQ system, would have you believe that this fatally afflicted little creature prospered and thrived and survived for thousands of generations, in such a state.
Whenever you see or hear somebody expounding upon evolution, or trying to indoctrinate kids in the "fact" of evolution, think about this poor little dinged-out bat flying around in circles, flying into walls, trees, the ground, his mind trashed either because he met up with Raoul Jose-Domingo Tokovar and they toked down a box of Columbian spliffs, or (effectively the same thing) because he was trying to EVOLVE echo-location, and was only 80% there...
Let's call this little bat Splifford. Some years ago, somebody rescued a little bear from a forest fire, and that little bear became a metaphor for the national effort to preserve our forests from careless acts and the tragedy of large-scale fires.
Similarly, Splifford should become a symbol of the national will to save American culture, American society, and the youth of America from the mind-destroying evil of corrupt ideological doctrines.
Splifford the bat says: Always remember
: A mind is a terrible thing to waste; especially on an evolutionist. Just say no to narcotic drugs, alcohol abuse, and corrupt ideological doctrines.
Amusing, Starman, but will it catch on? I hope not. So is that why they name him smokey? Because hi fur coat caught on fire or something?
The best defense is an offense. That's what micah has provided this forum - nothing more. Those that believe in creationism must somehow try to prove that evolutionism cannot be proven. Those unbelievers of evolution should visit the Galapagos Islands. You can see evolution with your own eyes.
Starman wrote:Any rational person watching insects fly can understand that on the day that the first bat ever snagged the first insect using echo-location, the echo-location had to work perfectly, and that such a capability could not possibly evolve.
Consider what life must have been like for the evolutionists' "proto-bat", attempting to develop echo-location over a multi-thousand- generation span:
This creature's life would almost certainly have been one continual, bad hallucination, from dawn to dusk and then back again, from the day he was born to the day he died.
Picture being stoned out of your mind on every hallucinatory drug at the same time, and then trying to watch and make sense of the very worst television broadcast you've ever seen, you know, the sort of thing you see for about 20 seconds before the "Technical Difficulties" screen comes up. That's all that that poor little evolving bat ever knew of our world.
And yet, the brilliant Ediacara crew, along with their brilliant FAQ system, would have you believe that this fatally afflicted little creature prospered and thrived and survived for thousands of generations, in such a state.
Whenever you see or hear somebody expounding upon evolution, or trying to indoctrinate kids in the "fact" of evolution, think about this poor little dinged-out bat flying around in circles, flying into walls, trees, the ground, his mind trashed either because he met up with Raoul Jose-Domingo Tokovar and they toked down a box of Columbian spliffs, or (effectively the same thing) because he was trying to EVOLVE echo-location, and was only 80% there...
Let's call this little bat Splifford. Some years ago, somebody rescued a little bear from a forest fire, and that little bear became a metaphor for the national effort to preserve our forests from careless acts and the tragedy of large-scale fires.
Similarly, Splifford should become a symbol of the national will to save American culture, American society, and the youth of America from the mind-destroying evil of corrupt ideological doctrines.
Splifford the bat says: Always remember
: A mind is a terrible thing to waste; especially on an evolutionist. Just say no to narcotic drugs, alcohol abuse, and corrupt ideological doctrines.
You do not understand evolution. At all.
No wonder it makes no sense to you.
I suggest you do some further research.
I have to disagree cicerone. There are a lot of creationists who agree that evolution is a sound theory. It is merely not the only topping on the taco. Those who say evolution cannot be do not understand it.