Investor4life wrote:umm, that's why this is called a discussion chat - Don't be offended because people have a belief in a higher power or even don't believe- either way everyone is entitled to their opinion/view. Just like you wouldn't like to be bashed or told that you are completely irrational and deluded for stating your opinions. By the way, religion is man-made, there's a big difference between a religious fanatic and a spiritual person.
You are free to believe in a magical sexist homopobe in the sky, who made his son into a human sacrifice to save us all from his own self-decreed law. You're well withen your rights. But that doesn't make your belief a rational one, or your reasons anything more than the deluded superstitions they are.
In any case, objectively speaking, your belief is no more rational than my chosen religion, which is explained comprehensively
here. I can only hope you find it withen yourself to see the Truth of my chosen faith, for the IPU is the only path to righteousness and redemption. All praises be to the IPU; the munificent, the mercifull.
By the way, you will burn tortuously in hell forever if you don't pray to MY God. Thats how much he loves you.