Well, logically he wouldn't support anyone other than the Giants, so you can conclude that by process of elimination.
SCoates wrote:Well, logically he wouldn't support anyone other than the Giants, so you can conclude that by process of elimination.
I thought he helped David slay a giant?
The way I understood it, Goliath was a Steeler's fan.
The old Norse gods had a few problems with giants too.
Giants & Giantesses- In Old Norse the word risi meant a true Giant of great size, capable of intermarrying with humans; they were usually beautiful and good. The jotnar, singular jötunn, had great strength and age and were also called etins. The thursar, singular thurs, were antagonistic, destructive, and stupid. The Giants in Northern mythology (such as the Frost Giants, the Mountain Giants and the Fire Giants) represent the raw forces of Nature in their primitive form. The Giants are often big, clumsy, magic-skilled, and sometimes evil-minded creatures. The worst enemy of the Giants is Thor, with his powerful hammer Mjollnir. Most Giants live in Jotunheim. There are also Fire Giants who follow Surt in Muspelheim and Rimthursar (Frost Giants) who came from the ice-cold Niflheim. All Giants originally came from Ymir. It may be that the Giants were the Gods of the Stone Age, the Vanir the Gods of the Bronze Age and the Æsir the Gods of the Iron Age.
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:. All Giants originally came from Ymir. It may be that the Giants were the Gods of the Stone Age, the Vanir the Gods of the Bronze Age and the Æsir the Gods of the Iron Age.
Actually, Steve, the most important Giants originally came from the Bronx, but they now are happily housed in the New Jersey Meadowlands.
Actually, Frank, they're now housed in San Francisco.
cicerone imposter wrote:Actually, Frank, they're now housed in San Francisco.
Boo on baseball.
Football is the only game that counts!
(But for what it's worth, I knew one of you wrong coast people would say something like that!) :wink: :wink:
Hey, California can be a very confusing place to live! On that, I agree 100 percent.
This seems like a naive question/topic. As if someone had their camcorder going when it happened? What would be an example of evidence for creation? (smart@55 remarks would probably be a revealing answer)
For example, evidence of evolution would be something, somewhere, evolving a new limb or feature of some kind.
chiso wrote:For example, evidence of evolution would be something, somewhere, evolving a new limb or feature of some kind.
Among others: Finches on the Galapagos Islands and their awkward, evolution justifying beaks.
Variation would support a Genesis creation claim as much, actually more, than big-honker finches would evolution. What half intelligent bible thumper would claim there were a pair of poodles, german shepherds, st bernards, wolves, jackals, foxes, etc., all on Noah's Ark. Not to mention a pair of Aborigenies, a pair of Jews, a pair of Eskimos, a pair of Pygmys, etc. The Genesis story requires rapid species variations.
chiso, According a recent news report, it is claimed by scientists that the generation of new species happened rather quickly - rather than slowly. I forgot when or where I read that article, but it was rather recent (past few weeks). c.i.
Now now, let's not try and state anything that might disprove or diminish human superiority (towards god or animals)...
chiso wrote:This seems like a naive question/topic. As if someone had their camcorder going when it happened? What would be an example of evidence for creation? (smart@55 remarks would probably be a revealing answer)
For example, evidence of evolution would be something, somewhere, evolving a new limb or feature of some kind.
So there must be some other explanation why exactly the same bones exist in the forelimb of a cat, the wing of a bat, the fin of a whale and the arms of a human. How foolish to think it's due to a common ancestor
hello, I'm new to discussing religion/creationism/evolution etc with others, but I find it very interesting (I've been thinking about this for a few years now, but only recently have I started reading about such issues on the internet to gain different perspectives, and to re-evaluate my personal beliefs based on new information).
something I've been wondering the past week or so, assuming creationism is true and evolution is false, where do the different races of humans come from? (I'm assuming Adam and Eve are of the same race)
Not sure how it's explained where the races came from but it sure explains how incest came to be.
LW, Your bluntness makes me blush.