Yeah let's put the evidence on the table and not hide it away. There is clear evidence, which scientists have made efforts to hide as it appears to me and that evidence points to a non-physical reality underpinning this physical reality. That evidence is to be found in drug trials no less. People in relationship are able to discern what another person knows, if it is of concern to them. So for instance a patient in a single blinded drug trial gets to know, without having been told or given any sensory information, what the doctor knows, ie whether they were given a drug or a blank, a dummy drug. To get rid of this problem they now use double blinds. What they have done is to relationally distance the two parties to get rid of ESP.. oh yes that ha, ha, ha ESP that they claim doesn't exist. There is no way, by any physical means that one person can know what another person knows if all thoughts and thinking is generated in their brain. And there is no brain energy that can go out of one brain and into another, and certainly not when they are not even in the same location. The only way that extra sensory perception can be explained is if we consider that there is a non-physical realm that underpins this physical realm. This does not and is not in itself enough to prove God but it does go part way to prove that there is intelligence within a realm that is outside what we know. Indeed once you can appreciate this then you can explain the horizon problem in astro physics, the phenomenon of non-locality and much more. Indeed in modern physics we know that particles don't exist as we imagine them but they come in and out of existence all the time, through what physicists call "back stage". The particle is undefined and can only be defined when it appears again. If we take all of the evidence then the picture is very different and just as particles come into being so too there may well be some parallel to the schrodinger equation that is physically expressed as DNA that gives rise to the biological array we see around us. Obviously we don't just pop into being but we are also not simply material only.