satt_focusable wrote:Portal Star wrote:satt_focusable wrote:Wilso..
Science is transient. Would you be a transitory existence?
Correction: some of science is transient. We still rely on many of the findings of the ancient greeks, phonecians, etc. especially in physics. Note the invention of finding the world's circumference by studying shadows at two points on the earth.
Science changes when it was incorrect in the first place or is influenced by somthing other than science (ex: biblical account that the world is flat, that zeus produced thunder, etc.)
Give a brief glance at any book on the history of science.
The chinese developed a rudimentary system to detect earthquakes (the pots with the many snakes and balls that fall out.) There was nothing incorrect about that (p waves travel faster than s waves), we have only developed more precision.
The Challenger discovered that ocean sediment is directly related to the plankton in that area. Still unrefuted.
The phoenecians used a sextant for navigation and it still works.
The ancient Egyptains had a good knowledge of Chemistry because of their embalming processes. Many discoveries were also made historically (in Chemistry) through Alchemy. We no longer hold the notion that we can create gold in that manner, but we have most of our basis chemistry foundings from that field.
Ever heard of Aristhosthenes? In 240 B.C. he estimated somthing very close to the circumference of the earth using the length of shadow during the summer solstice. He knew the earth was round before Columbus, befre the portugese, araps, greeks, and minoans.
We also learned a great deal about hydraulics from the Ancient Greeks, who irrigated their cities and built aquducts, etc.
Don't forget about geometry, present in the decorative patterns of many ancient cultures. They must have known about math and measurement to make such design.
If science is refuted, it was wrong in the first place. Science that is correct becomes part of our culture, our "common knowledge."
This is because physics and the workings of the earth we know are consistent, so will be correct science. It doesn't matter when the discoveries were made, if they were correct they will hold true across time and space.