No one can tell another they're gay or straight or anything else. It's entirely up to you how you label yourself. Is Michael Douglas and Matt Damon gay for that Liberace movie they both 'had sex with each other' in? Or are they just professional actors? Is a prisoner gay for having sex with other men while in prison, but once released returning to a man-woman thing?
Who's gay and who isn't is entirely up to the person who's going to use that label to define themselves.
Women cuddle together and don't identify as lesbian because of it. Unfortunately, our culture is very sex-negative and while we "permit" women to be emotional and even somewhat intimate without labelling them as lesbian, that tolerance doesn't extend to men. But it's the same thing. We all enjoy being close to one another but it has nothing to do with our sexuality.
Was a kid here who startled me hugging me. Turns out he and his parents are just really big huggers. That's how it should be of course. Hug is just a hug most of the time. Though in my experience, outside the realm of raves, people don't hug.

But much has been written about how this is really unfortunate and guys in particular should hug more.
So if you've simply enjoyed some intimate proximity with another guy, and found yourself enjoying that it has nothing to do with sexuality. Everyone enjoys being close, but unfortunately not everyone acepts it for the simple non-sexual thing it usually is.
Google 'hugging important' for some info on its' importance to health and mental health.