have a little glance down the road Child', and you'll see a point where she won't acknowledge
'your' existence!
Okay...how can I be delicate about this? HELL NO!!! (Sorry, it just slipped out...)
samantha&angie wrote:Okay...how can I be delicate about this? HELL NO!!! (Sorry, it just slipped out...)

Too late, we are currently together and I could not be happier. She is a flower, and I love her.
beware 'fall' followed by 'winter'; it is not kind to "flowers".
Maybe she's a crocus, Bo. One never knows with young 'uns. Hmm, second crocus analogy today...I must be on a roll.
just make sure you don't leave 'us' out;
you don't want to 'croc', eh?
I'll leave the 'crocs' to the Aussies, and embrace the 'us'. You never know, maybe Child is doing the same. Even if it ends in disaster, he could always post embarrassing nudie shots of her on the 'net for revenge.
Hmm...why is the word net a sponsored link? Something about your avatar Bo always inspires me to give Brian Eno's 'Another Green World' a listen.
cavfancier wrote:I'll leave the 'crocs' to the Aussies, and embrace the 'us'. You never know, maybe Child is doing the same. Even if it ends in disaster, he could always post embarrassing nudie shots of her on the 'net for revenge.
you wish!
oh, i'm just a little bilious!
Women are so evil. Look at the damage we do to the minds of boys.
Child of the Light wrote:
samantha&angie wrote:Okay...how can I be delicate about this? HELL NO!!! (Sorry, it just slipped out...)

Too late, we are currently together and I could not be happier. She is a flower, and I love her.
C.L. you are too cute. My man calls me his muse. I like it. Go on then, be happy.
I bought a Lionel Richie CD today. I am not sure if there is any direct correlation between my love for her and me buying a CD full of love songs though.
Lionel Richie?

That's love all right child.
Barry White is more of a sexually lusting kinda mood. I just want to be around this girl as much as possible. Rather we are hiking, sexing, or dancing, whatever.
EDIT: I am now listening to Meatloaf love songs. Not sure what that means.
Well, the saga continues...She broke my little heart

I need some advice on how to get over her..GRR!! I hate being sad.
Don't sweat it dude... I got ya covered. Click
here! :wink:
Yeah, I've been basically telling myself the same stuff...My philosophy has always been replace an old beauty with a new one and it's worked up until now...Until today I had doubts it would work, but I can see myself with better/hotter girls, so I am feeling much better.