Sat 21 Feb, 2004 09:39 pm
Alright, this girl came up to me and started hitting on me times ten! We talked for a bit, exchanged numbers etc.. Everything seemed to be going great until.....She told me she had a boyfriend, but she hated him and was about to breakup with him, and wanted me to wait for a little bit. So, begrudgingly I did. A few days pasted, and I see her walking happy as hell, and hand in hand with the "hated" boyfriend. So I ask her friend what is going on? and apparently the 2 had reconnected. There I was, feeling stupid and embarrassed. The next time I talk to her, she said that she just wants to be friends, and again I begrudgingly agreed. A few more days pasted, and the 2 of us were talking and I hear something to this sort...I love it when you, me, and my boyfriend are all together because I can be as mean as I want to him and I know he won't do anything because he knows I could always leave him for you. BAM! I was pissed, she used me to make her boyfriend jealous and rekindle the relationship...
So, does this girl ever deserve my company again? I am leaning towards no.
Not unless you like being used. You should probably ask yourself if that's the kind of girl you'd like to date anyway. I gather she must be hot... and you're letting the wrong head tell you what to do.
She is indeed hot, probably the hottest I've ever gotten...The past few days that I've seen her, I've just ignored her. Is that the right path to go?
I think Bill nailed the right head! :-)
GOO! Nailed the wrong wood though. :wink:
I think you should be up front with this girl..let her know you do not appreciate being used...losing your dignity is not worth a piece of ass child...put her in her place!
I was almost certain of my decision 2 weeks ago, and then the deciding factor....I GOT THE ASS! And then I was certain, I am done with her, but I thought I should get unbiased opinions first.
I've got one like that on my record too. Sometimes a single guy has to take a recreational break from his ideals. Good sex can justify the occasional deviation from the road to righteousness in Bill's book. :wink:
In my book any sex can justify that deviation..
If you already got the ass, then who gives a **** about her? You got the ass, she got her boyfriend back, everybody wins! If you have no feelings for her other than those emanating from your balls, then who cares if she used you. Remember, the most important thing is . . . you got the ass!
Whew! Montana, let's get outta here. The testosterone fumes are killing me!
Testosterone, the wind beneath my wings...
maybe you could let her know yer available for alleviating her of any pent-up urges she has - but you'll be looking elsewhere for an actual, like, relationship with a human.
Um. She's using the ass to attempt to continue to string you along.
You're still the patsy on the outside even if you do get the occasional quickie.
Right now, I score two for her. She's got a nice little herd of studs huddling around her, and she can get what she wants from them just by a little sex. Oh, yeah. She's in charge.
Child of the Light......did you have a parent who repeatedly used and rejected you?
That would make you be easily and desperately addicted to any woman who forces you to experience that exact same hurt in the present.
If "yes"......get away from that abusive monster. Don't even talk to her. Or smile at her. Or think about her. A Child of the Light should never make himself walk through the dark dungeons of evil.
Eva wrote:Whew! Montana, let's get outta here. The testosterone fumes are killing me!

Yeah, if we head for the hills now, we just might make it by sun down ;-)
How insanely weird life is...This girl and I are now in love.