McTag wrote:Box cutters, gasoline and matches, knives and axes, even chemicals, have legitimate use elsewhere.
Guns however, have only one designed use, and that is for killing.
Actually no. The purpose behind defensive weapons is rapid incapacitation of the attacker. Whether the attacker is killed or not is beside the point.
For instance, if the attacker is fatally wounded by the gunshot, but they go on to kill you before they die of their wound, the gun has failed in its purpose, despite having killed.
However, if the attacker stops their aggression upon being shot, and lives to face prosecution for their attack, that is a successful shooting despite no one being killed.
Further, target shooting guns have neither killing nor wounding as their purpose.
How many people died during the shooting competitions during the recent Olympics?
Did the gold medal winners use their guns according to their designed purpose, or not?
McTag wrote:That is apparently why you like them, and that is why they should not be available to the public.
Even if it were true that guns are only of use for killing, that would not be a reason to prevent the public from having them.
For instance, hunting guns are designed to actually kill, and hunting is a legitimate activity for the general populace to engage in.
And even though killing is not the point of self defense, defending oneself from attack is also a legitimate activity.
McTag wrote:All this talk of personal freedom is so much hogwash.
So you don't like being free. Celebrate your lack of freedom then.
But Americans are different. We LIKE being free. And we will never surrender our freedom for any reason.
McTag wrote:Guns are not a symbol of freedom, they are the bars on your cage.
They are neither. They are a tool that free people use to defend themselves when they are attacked.