Mass Shooting At Denver Batman Movie Premiere

Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 12:26 am
firefly wrote:
BillRM wrote:
Firefly human beings seem to have remarkable abilities to find ways of killing strangers if they wish to and once more without firearms

Your obvious relish in discussing various methods of killing people--which has been evident throughout this thread--is really quite bizarre.

Don't be silly. The fact that he raises a point that proves you wrong does not mean he relishes any of the deaths.

firefly wrote:
But this thread, in particular, is about people being killed by firearms.

And some of those people are dying in horrific massacres, such as the one that provoked this thread, and the one in the Sikh temple which took place since the shooting in the Aurora theater.

When you make a bogus claim that there is some sort of significance about someone being killed with a gun, as opposed to them being killed with some other weapon, it is legitimate for people to counter by pointing out that the victim would be just as dead if they were killed with any other weapon.

firefly wrote:
But those things, and those deaths, don't seem to bother you.

They don't seem to be bothering you either. You seem focused on using them as an excuse to violate people civil rights.

I truly hope that if I am ever gunned down in a theater, all the blame is placed on the gunman, and no one will use my death to try to violate the rights of innocent people.

firefly wrote:
Your main interest is only your paronoid fear someone will try to take your guns away, or make it more difficult for you to get more of them, or limit how you might legally carry or use them.

Hardly paranoid, given your calls here to do just that.

Even if we presume that your calls to violate everyone's civil rights have little chance of coming to fruition, it would still be entirely legitimate for people who care about civil rights to post a response to them.

firefly wrote:
What a sad, pathetic, inadequate little man you are.

Your use of name-calling is quite childish.

firefly wrote:

They got one thing right and one thing wrong.

What they got right: We won. Our freedom is secure.

What they got wrong: Their claim that these massacres are the price of our freedom, is nonsense. Such massacres would happen even if you guys had succeeded in abolishing American freedom.
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 12:31 am
firefly wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Why is it at all relevant that one method of killing is chosen over some other method?

1. Because this thread is about a shooting--a mass murder--that involved the use of firearms that were quite easily acquired, apparently for the specific purpose of carrying out a masacre.

That does not mean it is relevant that the victims were killed with guns, as opposed to being killed with some other weapon.

Now if you had been able to prove that people who are killed with guns are "more dead" than people who are killed without guns, then you might have had something.

firefly wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Why is it at all relevant that one method of killing is chosen over some other method?

2. Because the use of firearms appears to be the most frequently used method of commiting mass killings and woundings.

That does not make it relevant that the victims were killed with guns, as opposed to being killed with some other weapon.

firefly wrote:
oralloy wrote:
So long as you post calls for the gross violation of our Constitutional rights, don't be surprised that people respond by speaking out in defense of those rights.

Nothing about your paranoia surprises me

It is hardly paranoia to respond to a blatant call for our civil rights to be violated, by defending our civil rights.

firefly wrote:
Battyman. Laughinghttp://www.slaw.ca/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/tinfoil-hat.jpg

Your use of name-calling is poor compensation for your lack of facts and logic.
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 12:55 am
It is hardly paranoia to respond to a blatant call for our civil rights to be violated

Well, who here is calling for a violation of your civil rights?

Do the voices tell you that, Battyman? http://www.slaw.ca/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/tinfoil-hat.jpg

Or do you just believe everything the NRA tells you?

Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 02:00 am

When you make a bogus claim that there is some sort of significance about someone being killed with a gun, as opposed to them being killed with some other weapon, it is legitimate for people to counter by pointing out that the victim would be just as dead if they were killed with any other weapon.

Box cutters, gasoline and matches, knives and axes, even chemicals, have legitimate use elsewhere.

Guns however, have only one designed use, and that is for killing. That is apparently why you like them, and that is why they should not be available to the public.

All this talk of personal freedom is so much hogwash. Guns are not a symbol of freedom, they are the bars on your cage.
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 02:04 am
firefly wrote:
oralloy wrote:
It is hardly paranoia to respond to a blatant call for our civil rights to be violated

Well, who here is calling for a violation of your civil rights?

You are.

Bans on assault weapons are a grave violation of our Constitutional rights.

firefly wrote:
Do the voices tell you that, Battyman? http://www.slaw.ca/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/tinfoil-hat.jpg

You engage in name-calling because you are too stupid to come up with an intelligent argument.

firefly wrote:
Or do you just believe everything the NRA tells you?

The only thing the NRA tells me is which people I should vote for and/or against in all the election races (it's nice, they even cover candidates at the state and local level).

It's not so much a matter of belief as it is following instructions and making sure I mark my ballot properly.

firefly wrote:

You engage in name-calling because you are too stupid to come up with an intelligent argument.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 02:12 am
McTag wrote:
All this talk of personal freedom is so much hogwash. Guns are not a symbol of freedom, they are the bars on your cage.

This comment of yours reveals that you don't understand the position at all. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with a "symbol of freedom". We couldn't care any less about a stupid symbol. Guns, regardless if you like them are not are essential for a free state. I don't like guns at all, but since I am intelligent I can understand that how their banning would give the government more powers to control and oppress the populous. This always happens where guns are banned. But they use the argument that banning guns makes people safer. Not the case for mexico where guns are banned and even carrying a bullet on you could get you a jail sentence. Yet have one of the highest murder rates by guns.

Gun owners don't need a symbol of freedom. They understand that guns are their insurance policy that the government isn't going to impose it's will onto the people in the form of tyranny.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 02:27 am
McTag wrote:
Box cutters, gasoline and matches, knives and axes, even chemicals, have legitimate use elsewhere.
Guns however, have only one designed use, and that is for killing.

Actually no. The purpose behind defensive weapons is rapid incapacitation of the attacker. Whether the attacker is killed or not is beside the point.

For instance, if the attacker is fatally wounded by the gunshot, but they go on to kill you before they die of their wound, the gun has failed in its purpose, despite having killed.

However, if the attacker stops their aggression upon being shot, and lives to face prosecution for their attack, that is a successful shooting despite no one being killed.

Further, target shooting guns have neither killing nor wounding as their purpose.

How many people died during the shooting competitions during the recent Olympics?

Did the gold medal winners use their guns according to their designed purpose, or not?

McTag wrote:
That is apparently why you like them, and that is why they should not be available to the public.

Even if it were true that guns are only of use for killing, that would not be a reason to prevent the public from having them.

For instance, hunting guns are designed to actually kill, and hunting is a legitimate activity for the general populace to engage in.

And even though killing is not the point of self defense, defending oneself from attack is also a legitimate activity.

McTag wrote:
All this talk of personal freedom is so much hogwash.

So you don't like being free. Celebrate your lack of freedom then.

But Americans are different. We LIKE being free. And we will never surrender our freedom for any reason.

McTag wrote:
Guns are not a symbol of freedom, they are the bars on your cage.

They are neither. They are a tool that free people use to defend themselves when they are attacked.
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 02:34 am
I appreciate all the time you've taken to respond to my comment, but what I said still stands. You do use alarmist language, and your literalist interpretation of certain figures of speech does not alter that.

If you're trying to persuade anyone who is non-committed on the subject you've failed, your alarmist language means that your argument is dismissed as nonsense by anyone who hasn't already made their mind up.

The Government isn't the slavemaster you claim it is, but the protector and liberator. Rich people have immense power by virtue of their wealth, the rest of us need to rely on our elected representatives for any say in what goes on. You want to give those very powerful people even more power over the rest of us. That's not freedom, it's slavery. It is very effective though, Romney's policies will only benefit the very very rich, yet he stands a reasonable chance of getting elected because the very very rich, through ownership of media organisations and paying for political adverts, have convinced a significant part of the population that what's best for the fat cats is best for them, and the alternative is so terrible that it would end in the destruction of America.

To an outsider that's clearly nonsense, but it does demonstrate the power of nightmares extremely well.
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 02:35 am
oralloy wrote:
But Americans are different. We LIKE being free. And we will never surrender our freedom for any reason.

Well sadly a huge majority of americans have no problem with handing away their freedoms. The annoying part is these ignorant americans allow the government to take your freedoms away as well. So you are a victim of their stupidity. I wish it were true that americans refuse to lose their freedoms and will not bend on any situation but it simply isn't true. It is true we love freedom but we honestly don't really have any freedom.

Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 02:48 am
Guns however, have only one designed use, and that is for killing

Let see I had own firearms for most of my adult life somewhere around 43 years without harming anyone let alone killing anyone and that is the common and overwhelming condition for the hundred millions or so gun owners and the 300 millions guns they own in the US.

My pleasure is to go to the range a few times a month and then there are people who indeed used guns to kill in their cases game animals.

Now if someone burn you to death using a can of gasoline and a match are you any less dead then it someone killed you by using a firearm?

Frankly death by burning gasoline sound far worst the death by a firearm but to each his own.
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 02:55 am
Have anyone taken notice that when Firefly is back in to the corner of her own illogic on a thread she begin postings cartoons?

Once more Firefly in what way or in what manner are so call assault rifles any more deadly then any other semi auto rifles that they should be targeted for a ban of any type???????
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 03:14 am
By the way how far does your desire to ban anything that is "design" to kill go?

How about swords are you going to take them away from collectors under the same theory?

In one case that I had already posted about on this thread a village were almost wiped out in the middle of the night by someone using a sword so mass murder is possible by using such a weapon.

Now how about the bow a device also 'design' to kill and at longer ranges then most handguns and able to bring very large animals down and in fact does so in many states during bow hunting season every year.

Hell I even seen a video of a bull elephant being kill by arrows fired by a high power bow.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 03:17 am
Hey Oralboy, have you seen what your girlfriend Krumple has been saying about the Holocaust?
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 03:21 am
BillRM wrote:

Guns however, have only one designed use, and that is for killing

Let see I had own firearms for most of my adult life somewhere around 43 years without harming anyone let alone killing anyone and that is the common and overwhelming condition for the hundred millions or so gun owners and the 300 millions guns they own in the US.

Says the man whose ex-wife had to take an injunction out against him because of violence, and that's just what he's told us about. That stuff is shocking enough, God knows what he's keeping under wraps.
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 04:22 am
izzythepush wrote:
Romney's policies will only benefit the very very rich, yet he stands a reasonable chance of getting elected because the very very rich, through ownership of media organisations and paying for political adverts, have convinced a significant part of the population that what's best for the fat cats is best for them, and the alternative is so terrible that it would end in the destruction of America.

What's best for me is the end of unconstitutional gun laws.

This time around, I'll vote for whichever candidate the NRA recommends, in every race from President on down to County Drain Commissioner.

If that happens to be Romney for President, so be it. It's certainly not Romney's fault that Obama hates the Constitution.
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 04:26 am
oralloy wrote:
What's best for me is the end of unconstitutional gun laws.

What's best for you is intensive psychiatric help to come to terms with your feelings of inadequacy and irrational hatred. Failing that, a frontal lobotomy.
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 04:27 am
Krumple wrote:
Well sadly a huge majority of americans have no problem with handing away their freedoms. The annoying part is these ignorant americans allow the government to take your freedoms away as well. So you are a victim of their stupidity. I wish it were true that americans refuse to lose their freedoms and will not bend on any situation but it simply isn't true. It is true we love freedom but we honestly don't really have any freedom.

Some Americans may wish we had no freedom, but the NRA is more powerful than they are.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 04:35 am
BillRM wrote:
Have anyone taken notice that when Firefly is back in to the corner of her own illogic on a thread she begin postings cartoons?

Once more Firefly in what way or in what manner are so call assault rifles any more deadly then any other semi auto rifles that they should be targeted for a ban of any type???????

I don't know if the cartoons are related, but I do note firefly's avoidance of your question.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 04:39 am
izzythepush wrote:
Oralboy, have you seen what your girlfriend Krumple

You engage in name-calling because you are too stupid to come up with an intelligent response.
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2012 04:45 am
izzythepush wrote:
BillRM wrote:
Let see I had own firearms for most of my adult life somewhere around 43 years without harming anyone let alone killing anyone and that is the common and overwhelming condition for the hundred millions or so gun owners and the 300 millions guns they own in the US.

Says the man whose ex-wife had to take an injunction out against him because of violence, and that's just what he's told us about. That stuff is shocking enough, God knows what he's keeping under wraps.

I don't even have to see the post in question to know that you are misconstruing his words in one way or another.

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