BillRM wrote:In 1980 or so my ex-wife who turn out to be a drug user who also had move in her sister who had a charming habit of bringing in stolen properties and taking my guns without my premission file a false claims of domestic violence when the only one who was hit was little old me not her in that marriage.
I got a do not assault her order, on her word alone not even a keep away order or turn in your firearms in order and I found that amusing as once more the only one who had been a victim of domestic violence was me.
In fact she was serve with divorce papers on the same day I was serve with that order.
The only thing I had any shame about was not knowing her better before marrying her but then Izzy love this kind of nonsense.
But I agree with him it is shocking however concerning all the orders base of complete lies that are handed out in the US and that there is no punishment for lying to the courts.
PS my current and next wife I knew for over twenty years before marrying her so I do learn from my errors.
Your post reminded me of rather similar domestic adventures that I had with my girlfriend, Maralyn,
who lived with me in the 1970s and again in the 1980s, with her child, Nancy, aged 2 to 4.
( Fortunately, I had the presence of mind to avoid marriage. )
Around 9 AM one fine day, Maralyn drank the best part of a pint
161 proof rum and told me that she was taking Nancy to a crack house.
I saw
danger in this state of affairs. Maralyn was not much of a driver when she was
My libertarianism was tested: it flunked. I looked upon them both as friends.
I did not want either of them injured in vehicular collisions.
I was very aware of several potential legal problems for Maralyn.
I explained these to Maralyn, but she insisted upon going to the crack house.
Therefore, I decided to emulate Gov. George Wallace blocking the door.
This infuriated Maralyn.
I was very acutely watchful to see that she did not move toward my guns.
( I woud have jumped her, if she did. ) She picked up a big radio of hers
and bopped me on the head with it. Then she threatened me with the police.
I pointed to a fone nearby and I invited her to call them,
and to explain to them that she had drunk almost a pint
161 proof rum, that she had an expired driver's license,
registration n insurance and that I was obstructing her
from driving Nancy to a crack house. For some reason,
she decided against calling the police. She calmed down
and I took them out for breakfast and spent a pleasant day with them.
Gov. George Wallace 's example had saved the day.