firefly wrote:the paranoia inspired by the NRA is now emerging....
Nonsense. I have been a Life Member of the NRA for about 5O years
and I feel
no "paranoia". I am confident that no one has ever
had any interest in spying on me, nor in following me
(except, very briefly, qua a couple of robbers, who shot at me).
However, I am aware, from confessions n candid admissions,
that there r liberals who detest American freedom of self defense,
e.g. Sen. Diane Feinstein, who
admitted it on national television.
Dave wrote: to protect it and to preserve your Constitutional rights from liberal rape.
izzythepush wrote:Your ridiculous, and some would say offensive, use of 'rape,'
proves FF's point. [I dispute that. David]
It is
good to emphasize the evil
(i.e., laws to
discriminate against some victims of future violent crime)
that has been sought to be perpetrated by liberals,
subversion of our Individual rights, using mendacity
and deception against those rights.
It is ironic (touching the weird??) that the USSC has been aggressive
in fighting
against discrimination qua seating on a bus for a few minutes,
but not in regard to discrimination in regard to
who is free to defend his
from the predatory violence of man or beast. The essence of licensure is
DENIAL of equality. It is holding that a jeweler's life is
worth MORE
than a shoeshine boy 's life. That's not fair.
izzythepush wrote:Your politics are extreme
I have been extremely
in willingness to condone
USURPATIONS of power by governments.
I join with
Barry Goldwater in his observation that:
"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!"
I also admire and adopt his reasoning that:
"I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient,
for I mean to reduce its size.
I do not undertake to promote welfare,
for I propose to extend freedom.
My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.
It is not to inaugurate new programs, but
to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution,
or that have failed their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden.
I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is "needed" before I have first determined
whether it is constitutionally permissible and if I should later be attacked for neglecting
my constituents' "interests," I shall reply that I was informed that
their main interest is liberty
and that in that cause I am doing the very best I can."
[All emfasis has been added by David.]
The Conscience of a Conservative,
Barry Goldwater Victor Publishing Co. 1960
If I found Aladin's Lamp, I 'd have his genie restore
the legal
status quo ante in America as of
and I 'd use it to reach back to 1787 to convince the Founders
to create 3 houses of Congress. No bill qua domestic jurisdiction
coud be enacted without approval by a 3/4 vote of all members
of the House of Representatives and of the Senate; a third house
of Congress 'd have the sole mission of rejecting and
bills enacted by the first 2 other houses, and nullification of those bills
coud be accomplished by only a
30% vote of members present,
this concept on the theory that no bill shud be enacted unless
it was good enuf to pass those requirements. (Credit to Robert Heinlein
for those ideas:
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress G. P. Putnam's Sons 1966)
I am not an anarchist, but I love to cuddle up to it as closely as I can.
I plight my troth with Vanderbilt, who reputedly said:
"Let the public be damned! I 'm running this railroad to make a profit."
Thay shud put that on every dollar bill, for
inspirational purposes!
izzythepush wrote:and alarmist,
That allegation is false.
I am aware of
no imminent danger; accordingly, I raise
NO alarm.
izzythepush wrote:I live in a country with Universal Health Care,
gun control and heavy restrictions on political advertising.
That sounds horribly un-free.
England was once free, before around 1920.
Maybe it was
the Germans who ruined it for u.
izzythepush wrote: We're far freer than you'll ever be,
Free from
immune from the interference of government.
THAT is what
I salute, when thay raise the flag
: the incapcities of government.
( Its like chaining down the Frankenstein monster to his slab in the Lab.)
izzythepush wrote:our politicians are more concerned about voters,
instead of the people who pay for the brainwashing.
I pay for the dissemination of pro-freedom information.
I am in frequent contact with my representatives, asserting pro-freedom demands.
Thay have been either extremely diplomatic, or fully accomodating.
I guess u mean
ME, but I have not paid for brainwashing.
I believe that can only be accomplished upon a prisoner, who cannot escape.
izzythepush wrote:Your use of the word 'rape,' shows that someone's really done a number on you.
Izzy, it saddens me
that I 've given u the impression
that I am too stupid to generate
ORIGINAL thought.
I don't have a mentor, your allegation
(hereinabove set forth) to the contrary notwithstanding.
The closest I 've ever come to having a mentor was my mom,
who voted for Roosevelt 4 times, before I convinced her
to vote for
Barry Goldwater.
Most of what I have posted is the product of
my own reasoning,
other than the quoted material.
I 'll take the blame or the credit.
In America, if Martha Stewart strolled to the corner flowershop,
and if she used a gun to defend herself from ambient rapists,
she 'd be open to criminal liablity as "a felon in possession of a firearm".
That legal (tho obviously unConstitutional) state of affairs
is ******* her out of her Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms
and to
USE them defensively, on an "equal protection" basis
to put the point another way:
it 'd be government
raping her out of her Constitutional rights.
I ratify, re-iterate and re-affirm what I said b4, in the fullness of candor.