No fair..........and Slappy wouldn't even come to dinner when I was in town. Lucky Little k hoo.
I talked to Slappy, Lola, and he felt bad about not seeing you, but he's known littlek since grade school and apparently she's the only one he's ever really cared about.
He told me, and I trust you will keep this to yourself, that littlek has this little trick with her tongue tha- , um, never mind.
Sometimes I talk too much.
Heeeeyyyy, where's all our presents?
Well, the invitation said no gifts, just donations to your favorite charity...some swamp reconstruction project.
It did!?! Who the hell wrote those invites!?
Yeah, I know, Gus, you're just full of information. Thanks for letting me know........otherwise, my feelings might have been hurt.
Don't sigh, littlek. You have an entire lifetime of Slappy to look forward to.
What more could a woman want?
And Gus gets his swamp cleaned up! See? Everybody wins!
Lola wrote:No fair..........and Slappy wouldn't even come to dinner when I was in town. Lucky Little k hoo.
Or would that be Little Hoo-K? As in, "Hooray, hooray, for Little Hoo-K"? Nicely done, that.
I knew there was something special going down last weekend, but I was scared it wasn't good news, so I stayed off-line...
But these are great news, congrats!!! From urs and bd from germany!
More pics, pls!
Here's a shot of BiPolarBear, right after he gave Slappy a congratulatory kiss...
I see a padlock on that chain. So he's the one who had that unfortunate accident!
Nothing gets by you, kickycan!
gustavratzenhofer wrote:Don't sigh, littlek. You have an entire lifetime of Slappy to look forward to.
What more could a woman want?
littlelittlek's and baby Doo-Hoos?
tinyks and Slappy too doo hoos
Unfortunately, there won't be any children anytime soon. She's holding out the sex, having something to do with me and my obsession with masturbating to the telletubbies?
Women are weird.
Here is your first gift:
I am sure it will "put you in the mood" littlek to start bonking the doo hoo into making babies.
Slapster, Just wash your hot bod with some special soap
and then romance the lil lady with some special liquor

and I am sure she will want to make a withdrawal from your sperm-bank.
Those are beautiful gifts I shall cherish forever and ever. Thank you Heeven, whoever you are. I don't care what everyone says about you.