Quote:It is also well established that his name remained on some SEC documents.
Then, it's well established that he was responsible for what went on during that time period. If the companies had been sued for some sort of malfeasance, he would have been the responsible party.
Do you disagree with this? If so, it really doesn't look good for Romney either way. As Joe Trippi said today,
Quote:"Romney now is either the first sole shareholder, chairman, CEO and president of a company in history to claim that he had nothing whatsoever to do with managing that company or he is responsible for the worst practices of Bain."
I'm happy either way, really, the argument Romney is making is a total loser with the voting populace, and Obama will just hit him with it over and over again for the next several months.
Re: the quirks in the SEC process, Bain took over companies, fired their leadership, loaded them down with debt, sent the employee's jobs to china, and drove them into the ground in a hell of a lot less than 3 years. It's farcical to claim that it takes that long to replace someone as CEO. It doesn't. Romney stayed on-board in order to keep his options open before he decided to run for governor of MA. He should own up to it now, but he can't, because he's already lied about it.