Romney's offshore investments

Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 05:19 pm
I'd be more concerned about your parent's tax money your local school district spent to educate you McG. It seems they wasted it.

Obama didn't spend a dime of your money without Congress first authorizing it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2012 07:35 am
@Joe Nation,
The American public is being fed pablum and gossip columns instead of critical editorial and news analysis. There is no comparison today to what the serious newspapers of 1960 like NY Times and Washington Post provided. News cycles now are 24 hrs but in-depth analysis is not only lacking but it's non-existant. NY Times quality is now the equiv of what the Enquirer had in 1972.

The quality of the top leaders and legislators in 50 yrs has seriously eroded, too. With a few exceptions, they never were a particular ethical lot but at least they were a smarter level of crook (Nixon, etc.).

Now they respond to voter polls and multi-national corporations and not the citizenry. In 1960, they're at least smart enough to hide it better. Now they wave their incompetence and puppetry around like a badge of courage, daring to be caught.

Here's a scarey thought:
I heard a rumor that Mitt might pick as a running mate Condy Rice. As the Veeps candidates are selected, if Romney picks Condy Rice, I predict the closest election possibly in voting history.


And if Obama sticks with Biden, it could result in his defeat.

Say it ain't so!

0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2012 01:16 pm
WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney's repeated claim that he played no part in executive decision-making related to Bain Capital after 1999 is false, according to Romney's own testimony in June 2002, in which he admitted to sitting on the board of the LifeLike Co., a dollmaker that was a Bain investment during the period.

Romney has consistently insisted that he was too busy organizing the 2002 Winter Olympics to take part in Bain business between 1999 and that event. But in the testimony, which was provided to The Huffington Post, Romney noted that he regularly traveled back to Massachusetts. "[T]here were a number of social trips and business trips that brought me back to Massachusetts, board meetings, Thanksgiving and so forth," he said.

Romney's sworn testimony was given as part of a hearing to determine whether he had sufficient residency status in Massachusetts to run for governor.

Romney testified that he "remained on the board of the Staples Corporation and Marriott International, the LifeLike Corporation" at the time.

Yet in the Aug. 12, 2011, federal disclosure form filed as part of his presidential bid, he said, "Mr. Romney retired from Bain Capital on February 11, 1999 to head the Salt Lake Organizing Committee. Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way."

His activities during that period also included Staples board meetings: "I returned for most of those meetings. Others I attended by telephone if I could not return."

Bain was involved with Staples early in its life, taking the company public in 1989. Romney used his Bain position to obtain a seat on the board, which he held into 2002. He regularly cites the jobs that Staples created as reflecting positively on Bain's record.


So he says one thing when running for governor but says the opposite when running for president.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2012 06:30 am
Nailed it!

0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2012 09:32 am
Ha! He's such a hypocrite it's ridiculous.
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2012 01:53 pm
Actually in my opinion it has gone a bit beyond hypocritical into just outright lying. His statements since running for President do no match his testimony when he ran for governor of Mass. He either lied then or he is lying now.
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2012 08:52 pm
Well, considering the lies being spread, it does not amaze me that the gullible Dems are so willing to believe them so easily. He's a conservative so all the lies must be true! No sense in actually validating them or not. They are against an enemy of mine so they must be true!
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2012 10:22 pm
And conservatives excuse his lies and comfort themselves that it's OK, because it is necessary to defeat Obama.

The problem is that both campaigns are fighting for the folks in the middle, and the GOP has selected a toxic person as their candidate.

I read an article the other day that basically said the public vetting process is easier to get through than the private vetting process, like the one Romney's camp is using to select a running mate. There is absolutely no way someone with Romney's background would get selected as VP material, but he made it through the primaries because nobody could make him cough up his taxes.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2012 05:19 am
Romney campaign - America deserves the truth!!

Romney - I will not release any tax documents prior to 2011.

I guess America doesn't deserve the whole truth. They just have to trust Romney isn't lying.

Reagan - trust but verify.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2012 10:08 am
What lies being spread?

He gave a testimony in a hearing in which he said that he was sitting on the board of the LifeLike Co., a dollmaker that was a Bain investment and also on board of Stapples, another Bain investment. This was after the years in which he now says he "has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way."

WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney's repeated claim that he played no part in executive decision-making related to Bain Capital after 1999 is false, according to Romney's own testimony in June 2002, in which he admitted to sitting on the board of the LifeLike Co., a dollmaker that was a Bain investment during the period.

Romney has consistently insisted that he was too busy organizing the 2002 Winter Olympics to take part in Bain business between 1999 and that event. But in the testimony, which was provided to The Huffington Post, Romney noted that he regularly traveled back to Massachusetts. "[T]here were a number of social trips and business trips that brought me back to Massachusetts, board meetings, Thanksgiving and so forth," he said.

Romney's sworn testimony was given as part of a hearing to determine whether he had sufficient residency status in Massachusetts to run for governor.

Romney testified that he "remained on the board of the Staples Corporation and Marriott International, the LifeLike Corporation" at the time.

Yet in the Aug. 12, 2011, federal disclosure form filed as part of his presidential bid, he said, "Mr. Romney retired from Bain Capital on February 11, 1999 to head the Salt Lake Organizing Committee. Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way."

Bain, a private equity firm, held a stake in the LifeLike Co. until the end of 2001, including during the period in which Romney claimed to have no business involvement with Bain entities. Bain had heavily invested in LifeLike, a company that Romney identified personally as an opportunity, in 1996 and sold its shares in late 2001. His involvement with LifeLike contradicts his assertion that he had no involvement with Bain business. His testimony is supported by his 2001 Massachusetts State Ethics Commission filing, in which he lists himself as a member of LifeLike's board.

Romney has long said that he took a leave of absence from Bain because the work of organizing the 2002 Winter Olympics was so grueling, which has allowed him to deny responsibility for Bain activities during 1999 and 2002.

His activities during that period also included Staples board meetings: "I returned for most of those meetings. Others I attended by telephone if I could not return."


0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2012 10:23 am
A corporate document filed with the state of Massachusetts in December 2002 -- a month after Romney was elected governor -- lists him as one of two managing members of Bain Capital Investors, LLC "authorized to execute, acknowledge, deliver and record any recordable instrument purporting to affect an interest in real property, whether to be recorded with a Registry of Deeds or with a District Office of the Land Court."


(link in the first sentence takes you to the actual document)
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2012 04:00 pm
Same ****, different day?

Update, July 13: The Post’s Kessler awarded three of his “Pinocchios” to the Obama camp’s claim that SEC filings show Romney might be guilty of a felony.

Kessler notes (among other things) that Romney’s time at the Olympics was the subject of hearings before the Massachusetts Ballot Law Commission in 2002, when Democrats sought and failed to disqualify Romney as a candidate for governor on grounds that he had been living in Utah.

After holding hearings for three days, during which Romney testified, the bipartisan ballot panel unanimously adopted “findings of fact” that said Romney was employed in Massachusetts “until 1999” when he left for Utah.

Ballot Law Commission, June 25, 2002: On or about February 11, 1999, the Respondent [Romney] became an employee of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for a fixed term of three years. While so employed, the Respondent worked, on average, over 12 hours per day, 6 days per week.

During this time Romney remained on the boards of Staples and another company in which Bain had invested, LifeLike Co., a company that made dolls. As evidence of his continued ties to Massachusetts, the report states that Romney “returned to Massachusetts from Utah to attend meetings at Staples.” But there’s no mention of Romney attending any business meetings at Bain itself or any of Bain’s investment funds.

We note for the record our disagreement with a July 12 Huffington Post report, which cites Romney’s membership on the LifeLike board as evidence that his claim to have had no active involvement with Bain or any Bain entity is “false.” No so, in our judgment.

We think the term “Bain Capital entity” on Romney’s disclosure forms could only refer to Bain’s various investment funds, not to companies in which it invested. And in the three days that Romney sought to document his continued ties to Massachusetts, so he could run for governor, he made no mention of attending any meetings at Bain itself or any of the various Bain partnerships.

LifeLike was one of Bain’s smaller investments, and a failure. A Jan. 9 Wall Street Journal report says that in 1996 Bain had invested $2.1 million in the privately held Colorado firm for a stake of “unknown size,” but sold those shares in late 2001 for $15,000. The company was later liquidated, the Journal reported.

On the broader question of Romney’s involvement with Bain during this time, we concur with Kessler’s conclusion. “The Obama campaign is blowing smoke here,” he says, adding “the weight of evidence suggests that Romney did in fact end active management of Bain in 1999.”

– Brooks Jackson, with Rob Farley and Eugene Kiely
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2012 04:30 pm
Even as far back in the dim past as 2000 there were ways to keep in touch with business activities other than face-to-face meetings. Let's see, there was the telephone, email, video conferencing, UPS, FedEx, USMail, underlings coming to see you rather than you going to see them.... I find it a bit unlikely that somebody who has spent ten years of his life as CEO, sole stockholder, president, all those other slots Romney filled, and which he still filled, would walk away cold turkey from everything.
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2012 05:21 pm
MontereyJack wrote:

Even as far back in the dim past as 2000 there were ways to keep in touch with business activities other than face-to-face meetings. Let's see, there was the telephone, email, video conferencing, UPS, FedEx, USMail, underlings coming to see you rather than you going to see them.... I find it a bit unlikely that somebody who has spent ten years of his life as CEO, sole stockholder, president, all those other slots Romney filled, and which he still filled, would walk away cold turkey from everything.

Well. lets just hope 51% of the voters think differently. Obviously no one here is interested in facts when feelings work much better.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2012 06:54 pm
The fact remains regardless of your posts, Lifelike was an investment of Bain, failure or not and he sat at board meetings which means he was involved with Bain longer than he said. Stapples is also an investment of Bain and he sat on those board meetings, which means he was involved with Bain longer than he said. He was listed as a managing member of the LLC in 2002 annual report.

There are documents and actual proof of Romney being part of Bain past the time Romney claims including his own testimony. All we have on the other side is claims that he was not really an actual managing member, he was just merely listed as such and sat on board meetings.
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2012 08:14 pm
revelette wrote:

The fact remains regardless of your posts, Lifelike was an investment of Bain, failure or not and he sat at board meetings which means he was involved with Bain longer than he said. Stapples is also an investment of Bain and he sat on those board meetings, which means he was involved with Bain longer than he said. He was listed as a managing member of the LLC in 2002 annual report.

There are documents and actual proof of Romney being part of Bain past the time Romney claims including his own testimony. All we have on the other side is claims that he was not really an actual managing member, he was just merely listed as such and sat on board meetings.

Where are the documents? Where is the evidence. So far as I know, everything that has come up has not proven anything. Perhaps things like this is why Romney is reticent to release tax documents beyond those required.
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2012 11:07 pm
According to the reports, there are "dozens" of documents filed with the SEC between 1999 and 2001, the period when Bain got really good at offshoring and sticking it to workers, with Romney's name and/or signature as CEO and sole stockholder.

Now he can claim he signed them without reading them, or he signed a blank sheet of paper, or he just signed anything they put in front of him, but the fact remains, he had the position, he signed for it, and so the buck stops at him, and the buck is turning out to be counterfeit. He might not have paid much attention (on the other hand he might, and won't admit it because it's politically explosive), but it was still on his shift.
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2012 11:24 pm
"Perhaps things like this is why Romney is reticent to release tax documents beyond those required. "

more likely that if he releases them, he looks very much like the immensely wealthy man that he is, and in a whole different league from us 99%ers.

not to mention possible offshore inconsistencies...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Jul, 2012 06:32 am
No one including Romney are disputing the documents. Instead they are saying that he basically just signed the SEC documents (and got paid because he owned 100 percent stock) because it took a while for the partners to take over (three years.)

The testimony is a matter of public record of when Romney was trying establish residency in Massachusetts. The excuse, according to the post you last wrote, is that those companies were not an entity of Bain's because they were companies Bain was invested in rather than funding. They are reduced to arguing semantics.

I left a link where it will take you to an actual document of an annual report in 2002 where it list Romney as one of the two managing members of Bain Capitol.

here it is again

I may be guilty of wanting to believe it but at least there is some proof for me to do so. You are guilty of not wanting to believe it and there is no proof to do so other than a bunch of trust me arguments and weak semantics.
Reply Mon 16 Jul, 2012 06:38 am
IMHO, the press is guilty of not explaining these particular investing or legal nuances but instead going after the superficial easy-to-report parts of this story. Media is walking away with a black eye. Shocking?

Is there a US voter anywhere that is unaware that Romney is super-rich and comes from a family that is super-rich? Of course, if Romney does not report his returns, he ends up looking as though he's hiding something and not to be trusted. Yet again, another un-shocking political reality.

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