@Joe Nation,
The American public is being fed pablum and gossip columns instead of critical editorial and news analysis. There is no comparison today to what the serious newspapers of 1960 like NY Times and Washington Post provided. News cycles now are 24 hrs but in-depth analysis is not only lacking but it's non-existant. NY Times quality is now the equiv of what the Enquirer had in 1972.
The quality of the top leaders and legislators in 50 yrs has seriously eroded, too. With a few exceptions, they never were a particular ethical lot but at least they were a smarter level of crook (Nixon, etc.).
Now they respond to voter polls and multi-national corporations and not the citizenry. In 1960, they're at least smart enough to hide it better. Now they wave their incompetence and puppetry around like a badge of courage, daring to be caught.
Here's a scarey thought:
I heard a rumor that Mitt might pick as a running mate Condy Rice. As the Veeps candidates are selected,
if Romney picks Condy Rice, I predict the closest election possibly in voting history.
And if Obama sticks with Biden, it could result in his defeat.
Say it ain't so!