On what basis can you claim to know that ?
I can think of many other far more compelling issues including;
1. the expansion of entitlementrs that are already far exceeding their projected costs when enacted and the absense of any credible plan to contain our rapidly increasing deficits.
2. A Federal health care program that I (and many others) believe will degrade the quality of health care, increase the unwanted intrusion of the Federal bureaucracy in the personal affairs of everyone, and if past is precedent significantly increase the cost to everyone.
3. Inept and intrusive Federal management of economic issues that have already created the slowest recovery from a cyclic recession in our history. With a second Obama term this will likely get worse. Given the even greater demographic and dfebt-driven financial crisis in Europe, we are readily able to see where the social welfare and government management of our economy, so advocated by this Administration, will likely lead us.
4. A president who promised to be a uniter, who in fact practices a degree of cynical divisiveness unmatched by any Administration in recent history.
5. An Administration very dedicated to political payoffs to its political allies. From labor unions to various advocacy groups this Administration has bent the law and assumed unprecedented authority to grant politically selective waivers to standing law and in other cases to exceed the mandates of law to pursue its agenda in ways not compatible with the Constitution.