Wow! Um. You guys sure made a big deal out of this.
wmwcjr wrote:
GracieGirl wrote:You know, I never think about slavery and stuff when I celebrate the Fourth of July. I love Independence Day and we always celebrate every year. Its tradition and its fun but I guess it was kind of a double standard. Slave owners fighting for freedom. I'd never really thought about that. I can't imagine how terrible that must've been. It really sucks. But things are different now. That was hundreds of years ago. If everyone stays so stuck in the past, how do you expect us to move forward? I mean I know that America isn't perfect, but what country is? I think African Americans (BTW, that term is really misleading; you don't have dual citizenship.But to be 'politically correct' I'll use it), women and especially homosexuals are all still fighting for equal rights and it sucks but things are so much better than how they used to be. We've made alot of progress and we're still making progress. We're far from perfect but we're working on it and we're trying to make things better. Isn't that something to celebrate about?
Excellent post!
Thanks dude
IRFRANK wrote:
Quote:We're far from perfect but we're working on it and we're trying to make things better. Isn't that something to celebrate about?
The illegal immigrants that get rounded up and sent back to Mexico might have a different opinion. It's too late to ask the American Indians.
Some people are trying to make things better.
I know very very little about immigration and how that works and stuff so there's not much I can say about it I guess... I just dont get what the big deal is. I mean, America is a nation of immigrants right? So why would people immigrating here be a problem? And I
know that we're not the only country that has immigration laws and deportation and stuff so it's not just an American thing. It's something we all have to work on. And like I said, we're not perfect. America has many flaws and the way we handle immigration may or may not be one of them. I dont know yet. I'll do some Googling later on and then we can discuss it.
Its hard to wrap my mind around all that happened with the Native Americans/American Indians and I know that what I learned in school about it isn't even the whole story. What happened to them is pretty freaking disgusting. But the horrible way our ancestors held themselves and the terrible things they did are
in the past. It's history. Its not something we can change and no amount of money or land in the world can take all of that pain away. It happened, and it sucked but we've got to move on. And I'm not condoning what we did at all. Its was awful and I hate it and I'm really truly sorry that it happened. African Americans and Native Americans were tortured and humiliated and
killed. I know how awful that is and I dont think its something we should ever forget. We were totally, completely, 100%
wrong. But two hundred years of improvement and
ONE BLACK PRESIDENT later should account for something. I dont agree with everything the U.S does but I love it here and I love how far we've come. Yeah, we're still pretty screwed in some areas and theres tons of stuff we're still working on but we've made soo much progress. I mean, look at how different our generations are. When you were around my age there was segregation and the Civil Rights Movement and I even talked with some of you guys about how scary it was here during the Cold War. It's soo weird to me. Everything was so different back then. Things have changed alot and things are still changing and I think that's really freaking awesome. Imagine how different it'll be when
I'm 60 or 70 years old.
I love my country and I think the Fourth of July should be a day spent celebrating all the things we've done right and not dwelling on everything we've done wrong. You can either look at it from a positive perspective or a negative one.
InfraBlue wrote:
HA I was joking, mostly, playing off of your thread title!

Sorry. I was starting to get soo much crap that I couldn't tell.
maxdancona wrote:
I think you miss the point of Snood's post. Celebrating our country is fine and good, but it should be a respectful celebration with the understand that our country, for all its triumphs, has done some pretty terrible things too.
I think it is important to remember the bad along with the good.
There is a danger in Patriotism. Patriotism can blind us to the things that our country has done wrong and is doing wrong now. What we did to Native Americans and Mexicans was horrible.
It was Patriotism that made it possible to kill innocent people. It is important to remember this so that hopefully we will realize it when it happens again.
I think snood missed the point of this thread. I understand what you guys are saying. I totally get it. But this thread was not meant to be taken seriously. I wasn't trying to make any political statements, I wasn't trying to offend anyone and I really didn't want to have any of these deep conversations about slavery and immigration and America's past. I know America has done terrible things, we've talked about them before on another thread. But America's done some pretty great things too. It's not like this is just a completely horrible and terrible country. And I can celebrate whenever, wherever and however I want.
I'm not blind maxdancona and I don't get how starting a Fourth of July thread and posting funny internet memes is equivalent to killing innocent people.
You guys are being ridiculous.