German wrote:
Hello, so im from germany and i really love the films on comedy central like family guy or american dad. so is this the truth what is show in this movies.
Well, first of all, those aren't movies. They're TV shows. And no, nothing in America is like
Family Guy or
American Dad. That's the joke.
German wrote: is this how you cities looks like? a straight street with 10000 of houses? And every house look nearly same?
The streets in American cities are, on the whole, much straighter than streets in German cities. That's why we won the war.
German wrote: and then all in all your stores are so different and the schools with the football and the higschools (i never understand the differene between american schools) and you wear this clothes and all cool kids are in the football team an u have this uhm iron lockers where you store ur school material. and the chairs have their table on it.
German wrote: And then there are on every corner is a McDonalds or burger King and i really want to know.
No. On every corner there's a Walgreen's or CVS or Duane Reade pharmacy.
German wrote: does the cluckingBell from gta San Andreas really exist? I just know the tacoBell.
I think all of the business references in the GTA series are fake. In general, you shouldn't judge the US by the depictions found in violent video games. The US is only about half as violent in real life as it is in GTA.
German wrote: And then the fat guys in there electronic wheelchairs. So is this really how it looks in america?
Maybe. It's not easy to see the US when the view is blocked by all those fat guys in electronic wheelchairs.