Guys! Guys!!!
The father has been playing a video game with his son since he woke up, and I think (can't be sure - I'd gone to the bank when it happened) that they made grilled cheese!
Hurray!!!! This is awesome!!! Thank you all so much! Being on this forum really helped my get my frustrations out and also figure out how to (and how not to!) approach the situation. I told my boyfriend he deserves a trophy.
Hopefully this is a step in the right direction and it's all uphill from here. If it starts tunneling down again you might see me back on here, but for now I'm staying as positive as I can. Thank you so much jespah, nqyringmind, sozobe, boomerang, ossobuco, calamityjane, found soul and even hawkeye10. Thanks especially linkat and firefly! You guys have no idea how much you've helped!!
Great news! I think you both deserve trophies, and hopefully the dad will too before long (if only for "most improved.")
What an awesome outcome!
Have a great weekend - both you and your bf - you both deserve it!
That's great news indeed!! You and your boyfriend did something wonderful for that boy and you helped him more than you'll ever know. You're good people and yes, you both deserve a medal. Pat yourself on your shoulder, you did well.
What a perfect ending

I guess, the more encouragement you two give this guy as being a family man, the more he will become one and not spend his whole life sitting behind a computer with his own whoas in life. Instead of being depressed, he's gained a son.. I'd feel pretty special if I was you both
That is wonderful news, savari07!
Quote:I told my boyfriend he deserves a trophy.
Here's the trophy, and some well deserved applause--for both you and your boyfriend. Bravo!

Keep in mind that it not only the father who can spend time with this kid and make him a sandwich. We have over the years had lots of kids running around our house who were not our kids....sometimes the best and easiest way to help a kid is not complaining to the person who is slacking but it is to just do it. A HIGHLY rewarding experiece it usually has been.
I"m thinking very well of your boyfriend.
Things may not be all jolly forever, but this is a good foundation start.