Well now, something to which I can actually respond.
If the rich have shifted their tax burdens to the economic classess below them, how do you imagine that they have ended up representing 1% of the population and yet paying 40% of the nation's income taxes?
If their strategy has been to make the poor pay for their profligacy, they've not been strategic wizards.
The CBO quite recently found that the average tax rate of the 1% was 18.8% as compared to the 4.2% paid by the "Middle Class" and
-5.6% by the "Poor."
You can blather on and on about how the "rich" don't pay their fair share but your argument is based upon a belief that they should be paying 90% or more.
You can't make the argument that they are paying less than other economic classes, although you will no doubt continuously try.
The issue is not how much the "rich" pay, it's how much the government spends.
The more the government spends, the more it needs its citizens to pay in taxes., and the politicians who benefit from government spending will try to make the case that the "rich" should pay for it, while they all know that if it comes to it (and it always does) they will make the middle-class do so as well.
If you believe there is no limit to what the government should spend, then it follows that you will look to the "rich" to finance the government's profligacy.
The "rich" are already paying more than their share, in terms of per capita responsibility, of the common services we expect government to provide: military, roads, foreign embassies, and even safety net programs, but you want them to pay more, because you want the government to spend more.
Sorry Bud, but increased government spending (or even maintenace at the current high level of 24% of GDP) is not a given, and is not embraced by the majority of Americans.
No matter how loudly you clowns shout this nonsense, it will not make it so.
You advance nonsense about the recipients of governmental largess being noble victims who, in a Republican ruled world, would die of starvation, but Americans know that a very large segment of the folks who have been sentenced, by Democrats, to the Entitlement Wards, have fully adapted and now play the sytem for all they can get.
The anecdotal evidence is overwhelming and while it may not be scientific, it persuades voters.
So bemoan the stupidity and heartlessness of the average American and berate them for their sins. That will surely get them to vote as you would like.
I expect that you will join ranks with the usual useful idiots like parados, drewdad, CI, and Cyclo to charge back with some arcane and twisted statistic that will support your notion.
Have at it.
No one with a brain will believe that the "rich" don't pay a hell of a lot more in taxes then the middle class and the poor...in total and in terms of a % of the whole.
If you really care about the middle-class you will keep a watchful eye on Obama because he can't finance his agenda on the backs of the "rich" alone.
He also will never really try to because the "rich" are keeping him in power.