I have a huge wooded lot so we deal with poison ivy a lot. The best thing I have found is called the Ivy Dry - without having to go to the dr. I have friends who seem to have a much more dramatic reaction to the oils and have to have steroids.
If I have been working in the yard, I come in and rub myself down with vinegar (yes, it's stinky) and then take a shower. The vinegar breaks down the oil before it has a chance to react on my skin.
I turn my work gloves inside out and use them only for working in the affected areas of the yard. Long sleeves and long pants help to prevent it as well. Hate them though. But - it is my best defense against the horrid stuff.
You have to be careful burning trash with ivy in it as well...you can inhale the oils and it can cause serious respiratory issues.
I hope you get over it soon Linkat. So sorry - I know it is annoying as can be.
I actually use the spray...love it.